Tomorrow before you do anything else, look in the mirror and ask - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow before you do anything else, look in the mirror and ask your a couple questions: Am I grateful to the men and women, who some 237+ years ago, sacrificed so much, put themselves at such risk, put themselves in harm’s way and did so without excuses, they did these things so that their families, their generations to come, so that we could have a better place to raise our children and grandchildren. Now ask yourself: have I done enough to further their cause, to provide a better place for my children and grandchildren, have I done more than just pay taxes, maybe vote once a long time ago, buy my children games and gadgets, shuffle them off to school every day or to summer camp, ask yourself "is that enough? Ask "How do I know I have done my share?" If I could suggest this; if you are still breathing, if you are still living in a generally free country, if you have family, if you have children or plan to have children, if any of these things are true, then, I would believe you have more to do, your freedoms, our freedoms, are not free, that debt is never paid in full. You may have settled for less in the past, sold yourself a little short, but that was yesterday. Today as you look in the mirror, ask yourself, “Am I happy with just being complacent.” “Am I satisfied I have made this place we call home, the Good Ole USA, a place to be proud of?” If your okay with what you have done, then go back to bed and sleep well, if not, then please feel free to go out and make a positive contribution to your future, to the future of your children and grandchildren. Pick up the trash on your street as you walk your puppies, for your exercise and theirs, recycle something, take a few moments to help you children and grandchildren understand respect, these are just a few things for example. Now, Happy 4th to all my Family and Friends!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 22:31:57 +0000

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