Tomorrow begins the 114th Congress as my colleagues and I are - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow begins the 114th Congress as my colleagues and I are sworn into office and I renew my solemn oath to protect and defend the sacred freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and to advocate for reforms and policies that are in the best interest of the hardworking families in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. Last year, we celebrated some important legislative victories that helped create jobs, reduced regulatory overreach, and increased the federal resources dedicated to preserving and maintaining our magnificent Great Lakes. We had some important legislative achievements in 2014. However, with Republican majorities in both chambers, I believe we can tackle some much-needed reforms that will protect the Homeland, create even greater economic opportunity, and preserve Michigan’s natural resources for future generations. Specifically, I want to pass a comprehensive strategy to secure our borders, overhaul our broken tax system, stop Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes, and adopt a new highway bill that provides Michigan with the resources needed to repair and improve our transportation infrastructure. First, we must address border security. Last year, we witnessed a humanitarian crisis as tens of thousands of unaccompanied children crossed our southern border, and the President’s most recent executive order is certain to exacerbate the problem. Therefore, border security must be addressed immediately. We must also tackle tax reform. The best way, I believe, to turbocharge our economy would be to adopt fundamental tax simplification and reform. I hear all the time from families and small businesses that our tax code has become too complex and the cost of complying is going through the roof. That has to change. I also believe we need to stop Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes. Last year, I introduced legislation that would authorize a complete hydrologic separation between the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan to prevent this invasive, destructive species from invading the Great Lakes. Since its introduction, my bill received a lot of support from local, state, national and even international stakeholders, but it also received a great deal of pushback. This Congress, I plan to reintroduce my legislation as well as work with my colleagues from the Great Lakes region to identify ways to stop Asian carp. Too much is at stake, and we need to keep fighting for our Lakes. This year, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will take up the reauthorization of our national highway bill with the final product likely to come before the full House as early as this summer. As was the case with the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, I will be deeply involved in the process to make certain Michigan gets our fair share so that our highway infrastructure can better meet our needs. In addition to these priorities, we must also focus on regulatory reforms and domestic energy production, including sending President Obama commonsense legislation approving the long-overdue construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline that will help to further reduce the price of gas and our reliance on foreign sources of energy. I believe that, working with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in both chambers, I can help advance these important reforms and initiatives that will create more opportunities for all of the hardworking families in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:47:27 +0000

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