Tomorrow is a BIG DAY, folks: Karen has a CT scan at 9:00am our - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is a BIG DAY, folks: Karen has a CT scan at 9:00am our time (Saturday night at 9:00pm for our CST folks). PRAY FOR A MIRACLE! The last CT scan showed areas of damage, and we are praying, pleading, and Im begging that tomorrows scan shows NO PROBLEM AREAS. Please be in prayer throughout your day today, and if you can rally your friends to be in prayer at 9:00am our time, it would be great! We need another symphony of prayer for this! This evening, Karen was put on the schedule for the trach procedure Monday the 25th at 4:00pm. She has been fever free all day, so we continue to pray that she remains that way, and that the antibiotics continue to rid her of infection. Depending on the CT scan, they may also replace the portion of her skull they had to remove when they do the trach — but I dont know when well know that decision for sure. Her eye infections seem to be responding to the antibiotics, but one doctor says he thinks hes already seeing scarring on her right eye. Continue to pray for this situation, and that the Lord would also heal her vision and relieve her of such a burden so that she can better continue in the work He has her doing. Even Paul had a thorn in his side, but that doesnt mean I wont ask for Karen to be completely healed! Outside of the above, the day was good. We got our visas sorted out, so were good there. I havent heard anything about my insurance in several days, so Im telling myself no news is good news. The big problem Im having right now is getting rest. The room Im in has an issue where the sounds from next door just come right in. I can hear my neighbors forks squeaking over their plates, every throat clearing, and of course, every conversation. I was woken-up at 4:30am by the man talking to his wife the other day. During the day, I cant rest, either, because I hear them talking. Im on the 3rd patient to be moved into that room, and Ive been dealing with this since getting in this room. Apparently, this issue is only with this room — but if I change rooms, I lose my nurse, Naris, who I have been so blessed to have. We are trying to find a solution, which means the other room next to mine needs to open up so I can move there, then I can rest AND still have Naris as my nurse. Ive just invested all this time in developing a relationship with her in hopes of sharing the Gospel with her, and itll be even more difficult if I never see at all — but I also need rest. Good grief, do I need rest. Thats the update for today, the main thing being the BIG BIG HUGE HUGE prayer item for Karens CT scan tomorrow. Oh how I would love to be able to share with all of you that it comes back all-good! Im praying the the Lord would be troubled and deeply moved by the cries of so so many of His children, and that He would be compelled to move in a mighty way to show His power and that He heard our cries! Im praying for a miraculous day! And please pray for Karens eyes and that the Lord would spare her vision, that she would be able to have her procedures on Monday if the Lord sees fit, and that we could find a solution to the issue with my rest. We love you all!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:54:34 +0000

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