Tomorrow is a BIG day in the life of the Post Office lady, Jodi & - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is a BIG day in the life of the Post Office lady, Jodi & also her daughter Sammy! Tomorrow Jodi will proclaim to the whole world in a sense that she has been reconciled, that she has been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb, the Jewish Messiah Jesus. She will publicly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord according to the Jewish scriptures. She will proclaim to a fallen world that there is A WAY to receive the GIFT of eternal life by grace & NOT by works or mitzvot (good deeds). Jodi will have admitted tomorrow that in the not too far distant past she had prayed to God & like a little child realized her NEED for a Savior; for the only ONE who could pay her sin debt and thus have peace with God. Jehovah Shalom had taken away her stony heart & had given her a heart of flesh; a new heart spiritually, the circumcision of the heart that is spoken about in the scriptures. I have seen Jodi from a sad countenance & depression to NEW LIFE! She appears different, even happy, joyful. She is a changed person FOREVER! Not reformation but transformation. Jodi has peace with God now and no one can ever take that away from her. I now see light in her where there was so much darkness. I rejoice in her SALVATION & of course her adorable little girl whose heart was tender towards the things of God. Tomorrow she will have the Mikvah, The Hebrew word for (baptism). She was cleansed the moment she believed as if to say the light bulb went on & went from death unto life. I rejoice in Jodi & Samantha taking this step of obedience to proclaim to the whole world that now she has an ABBA, a DADDY that will NEVER leave her or forsake her. This world is no longer her home but a pilgrim passing through. I look forward to tomorrow & have never gotten over my own salvation 25 years ago for God NEVER disappoints! Heavenly Father thank you for allowing me to have met Jodi in her time of need. I am forever grateful that you paid the ultimate price so that I may enter into your rest. Shalom you all, The Happy HEB
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:11:43 +0000

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