Tomorrow is election day and this election is more important than - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is election day and this election is more important than ever for Northwest School District. Our district needs things changed now. Ive spent 6 years on the board and during that time Ive realized that although there are good people on the board they have locked themselves into a system that is out dated and not going in the right direction and our kids and the community is suffering because of it. Three things that we as a board are failing at 1. Financially we are hurting in part because of cuts from the state but more importantly mismanagement over the years by administrations and some being in a position that they can take advantage of this system 2. Our academics are not where they should be although we do have some things that are going in the right direction. We have some very good teachers that deserve a lot of credit for the effort they put out especially with the cuts and over crowded class rooms and their hands being tied by unreasonable expectations passed down by the government that doesnt realize that all children can not learn at the same rate due to circumstances beyond the teacher or childs control. 3. Our athletics have never had any consistency from top to bottom. Over the years I feel our school board has had members who have tried to change this but without the majority it falls on deaf ears by other members who refuse to change. The coaching positions have been used to boost incomes for retirement purposes and help certain peoples kids get scholarships and popularity. As a board we should stop these things from going on but it is to hard on some members egos to step up and tell people that they have given these positions to that they are not doing what is expected of them. I have not been a perfect board member and I dont believe you will ever have that but I have tried to use good judgement in my decisions and how I vote. There are however times that the votes are deceiving because as a member you are lead to believe things are a certain way by the administration only to find out later that it wasnt the way it was presented. It has been a very hard position that Ive been in over the past six years because most of the ideas that I have may never be implemented because others on the board have held a death grip on our district to make sure nothing changes, they like it the way it is. Jill Carver has had a much tougher time than I have she has been on the short end of many 3-2 votes and has been on the board much longer than I have. I know she only has whats in the best interest of our district, She has fought hard to change the way things are. Kenny Meddock has attended some of the meetings and I know where he stands and I believe he would be someone that I could work with. Chris Nizole is a friend of mine and a good guy and another one that wants things changed. Ryan McCall I do not know personally but I know his parents and sister and they are very good people. Jason Taylor I know but not sure where he stands and wish he would have at least attended a board meeting. Voters please use good judgement when voting for the board it is the strength and weakness of your school.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:20:40 +0000

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