Tomorrow it begins. Sunday, October 20, 2013, I take the first - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow it begins. Sunday, October 20, 2013, I take the first step in making a dramatic change in my life. There are many big changes coming over the next year, but one of the most significant begins tomorrow. It was about 8 years ago I went into a depression and let myself go and gained over 100 lbs in 1 year, making me officially obese. When I finally came out of that dark time, I didnt recognize me anymore. My weight spiraled out of control, I tried diet after diet to lose it, I did lose some here and there, but then id gain again and add more each time. As many of you know, I then went to the extreme measure of going on a 55-day water-only fast, which was entirely documented in the film Facing the Fat. I felt great afterward, revitalized… unfortunately, the results were short lived, as I pretty much destroyed my metabolism during the extended fasting period, therefore the weight came back with a fury. Now, some 6 years later, I weigh in at well over 400lbs and ive tried every diet known to man… I always lose some… then gain back more than I lost. The problem is that I have spent so much of my time focusing on quick fixes that I havent focused on changing my entire lifestyle, which is what produces those long term results. I travel constantly, so I blame that… I eat out more than 10 times a week, I blame that… excuse after excuse after excuse… until now, where my joints ache from the pressure of the weight, I sweat like I have a my own personal built-in sprinkler system and I huff and puff like the big bad wolf at the smallest flight of stars… And as for how I look… to be honest, I see a stranger when I look in the mirror. There are no more excuses. Tomorrow all of that is behind me as I embark on the most life-changing, and motivational journey of my life… tomorrow morning I go into a Nashville radio station where I will be with life-transforming celebrity fitness expert, John Jubilee, where I will do my official weigh-in and measurements LIVE on the air (while also filming)… thus beginning my adventure to a new me, as John personally guides me to transforming my entire life over the next year. We will be documenting every step I take to go from where I am now to where I aim to get (around 200lbs) in the next year. Its going to be a tough road, but I pray that this step will inspire others who feel that addiction to food as I have been… and been the victim of yo yo dieting, as I have been… to just know that there is hope. It just takes a decision and sticking to it. Every few weeks I will be a guest on Johns weekly radio show to discuss my progress, and will also be opening a blog and website that details my journey weekly for you guys to follow and cheer me on… believe me, Ill need the inspiration and support! Please pray for me as I really truly put it all out there before the world, embarrassing before photos and all… im not proud of how ive let myself go, but im proud of where Im going to be. Im also going to begin a few other life-changing journeys along the way… but those are the ones you have to wait and find out about as we go along, after all, dont want to hit you with everything all at once! ;-) I have an amazing group of friends in you guys and I know that I can depend on you all to stand with me! I thank you in advance for your support along the way, I pray that God will use me and my experiences to encourage people to overcome their weight problems, big or small, that hinder them from GREATER things in their lives, that divert them from their PURPOSE… and to let everyone know that the weight can truly be over… and it all begins for me, tomorrow… this time its gone for good. :-)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 22:28:25 +0000

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