Tomorrow marks one year ago that my best buddy Aeden nearly died - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow marks one year ago that my best buddy Aeden nearly died and one of the worst days of my life. My poor 3 year old boy would not eat or drink. Could not walk or sustain his own weight and not go to the bathroom. All he could do is lay down. We rushed him to his local vet where we just assumed it was something simple. I dropped him off and headed to work as I was unable to stay with him. My amazing girlfriend, soon to be wife, picked him up with a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection and was given medication. Aeden, however would not in any way take the medication and his condition worsened. Back he went to the vet the next day having been over 24 hours since he last urinated. Nicole insisted on going with me to pick him up later that day so she could be with me for the Doctor to give me his conclusion. They didnt know what was wrong but that he was in kidney failure and to give him 24 hours to make a decision on putting him down. I was completely blindsided and distraught. This came out of the blue and he is too damn young to die. He is my best buddy, my world. The Doctor recommended taking him to a hospital an hour away to watch over him for the night so I loaded all 90 pounds of him into the car and headed off. I was glad I had this time to say my goodbyes to him and let him know how much i love him and how sorry I was that he couldnt be around as long as he deserved to be. I thanked him for being so good to me and being there for me, albeit for too short of a time. He just lay there in the back seat with his eyes glossed over. This was so odd as he never lays in the car and certainly never looks sad. He insists on having his head out the window, tongue flapping in the wind no matter what the temperature is. So after a long ride and a long cry we arrive. I have to carry him into the hospital, and actually hurt my back at that moment, but nothing was going to stop me from getting help for my boy. We had to wait for a room and so Aeden laid on the floor of the lobby and I laid down next to him petting and doing my best to soothe him. Finally they took him into an exam room and I waited to see what they thought. It only took 5-10 minutes for a Doctor to come back to me and was nearly positive it was Addisons Disease and he was in Addisonian Crisis. They wanted to treat him overnight and will keep me updated. So just as I turned out the light that night we received a call telling us that Aeden had gone to the bathroom and was drinking! She said this a very positive sign that they have the right diagnosis and with medication he will be fine. This was the most amazing news! What a roller coaster of emotions that day. So after 3 days at the hospital, Aeden came home and has been healthy ever since. His adrenal gland no longer works so he has to take prednisone everyday and gets an injection of Percorten once a month to regulate his electrolytes. He has his bad days but overall, he has more energy now than he ever has. I could not have taken losing my boy a year ago so every day I let him know how thankful I am to have him. And how thankful I am that I had Nicole to help save him. So tomorrow he may be getting a little something special for his dinner!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:10:10 +0000

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