Tomorrow marks one year ago that our world was completely turned - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow marks one year ago that our world was completely turned upside down. It was June 4th, 2013 that God provided an accident that would in essence save my husbands life. The instant the accident happened it was hard to see it as the blessing it was. The initial fear over the extent of his injuries was tremendous, but quickly replaced with eternal gratitude at his survival. I just knew it was going to be OK. I knew God had saved him for a reason and he was going to be just fine. 6-8 inches higher, the tree would have hit his head and most likely an instant fatality, but it didnt. He was alive! The next day in the trauma unit I was knocked to my knees with a 3 word bombshell...Renal Cell Carcinoma. It was in that moment that I felt my world tilt and the rug come out from under my feet. WHAT? How can that be? Hes never had any symptoms, been sick, healthy in every way. Is this a joke? What was I going to tell Quin? Shawn was completely unaware of what was transpiring. He was not in any way capable of hearing that news, so here I was making decisions on his behalf and praying Id made the right ones. We made it through those 10 days and came home to let him regain some strength to face the next hurdle in his path. This one much more physically and psychologically harder on him. So many questions.... But you see...God knew the answers. HE knew exactly what was hiding in his body and provided the necessary outlet for it to be discovered, and treated. Left undetected it would have rapidly spread and the outcome would have be devastating. Mine and Quins world, as well as our families, would have been altered forever So....Never let your faith and trust in God cease. All things, good and bad, happen for reasons only known to him. HE wrote your lifes story, and HE knows the beginning, middle and end. Every single thing you know can change in an instant.. the blink of an eye,...a split second. God knew the exact time, place, location of Shawns accident. HE provided the accident, and I will be forever grateful. To our family, friends, church (Friendship World Outreach), to this day I am still overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support shown to us. I am more blessed than I deserve. Remember...Make the most of every day, count your blessings not your problems, be kind, be grateful, be quick to forgive and love BIG! But most of all...NEVER ever stop believing in a merciful, forgiving GOD that never fails to love you unconditionally, forgives you daily, and continues to work in your favor faithfully.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:15:12 +0000

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