Tomorrow marks the 3rd anniversary of Aug 6th 2011... The greatest - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow marks the 3rd anniversary of Aug 6th 2011... The greatest single lost in our community. In the Teams we remember dates like this as most Americans remember September 11th. Everyone can remember where they were and who was with them when they heard our country was under attack. We etch dates like June 28th 2005 and August 6th 2011 in our hearts and are reminded of them daily. I remember where I was when I heard the news. I was just relaxing in a local movie theater watching a movie with some friends, our phones started blowing up with calls and text messages as we opened up our phones we knew it was something bad. All the guys looked at each other, gave a head nod and walked out. Not a single word was spoken... All I told my wife was... its work and Ill be home later. The following few weeks were a total emotional drain on so many families and teammates. Memorial services every few days, each one more painful than the last. I miss the guys we lost that day...but I dont get sad for them. They died doing what they loved with people they truly loved. I break down for the wives and kids, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, family and friends. A warrior isnt measured in the enemy he has taken off the battlefield, but rather the strength in the family he left behind. -TEAMs-
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:03:45 +0000

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