Tomorrow the people of Scotland will take part in the biggest - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow the people of Scotland will take part in the biggest decision in living history for the UK. Unfortunately I have no vote but given the fact I am still very much Scottish and every member of my immediate family, my children included, reside in Scotland I have a vested interest in the outcome of this referendum. Im seeing arguments, debates and opinions on both sides of the campaign and although my original mindset was in favour of a no vote, that changed with time to undecided and most recently in favour of yes, heres why. This referendum has nothing to do with being Anti-English, in fact Ive stated time and again that some of my closest friends are English. I am though, very pro-Scotland. Not in a braveheart sense as some No campaigners may have you believe, - Braveheart the novel and movie, although an enjoyable watch/read is little more than a romanticised work of fiction that I think most Scots are intelligent enough to realise. Im Pro-Scotland in the sense that I believe, truly that Scotland can and should run its own affairs without outside policies and agendas pulling the strings to fuel their own interests. The no camp is telling us that we are stronger and have more power together, but who has the power? You or I dont have that power. The single mother struggling to feed her children doesnt have that power. The power belongs to the rich people and corporations pulling the strings and only them. One of the biggest scare tactics being used is the threat that Scotland will be banned from using the pound. Darling says no, Salmond says well use it anyway. Its an argument that keeps going around and around and around and frankly being over used in my own humble opinion. One thing is certain though, and that is that whatever happens well have a currency of some sort to use. The idea that well be paying for our shopping with IOUs, empty juice bottles or sheep skins is nothing short of ridiculous. We may or may not have the pound, with or without the BoEs permission, but well have something in place, that is a certainty. All the businesses are going to move out of Scotland they are telling us. What nonsense! Where there is a market, there will ALWAYS be competition. Asda want to raise their prices? Fair play, Morrisons and Tesco wont be shy on keeping theirs low and taking the custom that brings. This happens in every marketplace, in every country, every single day of the week. Scotland has a customer base of 5million! Well have our shops, our phones and our affordable prices. Another massive point on this referendum thats swaying people one way or the other is oil. Yes its an important asset for Scotland. No says itll be gone in 25 years, Yes says itll last 100. Either way, its a finite resource. Of course its going to run out at some point. Isnt this all the more reason to put that revenue back into scotland? Invest it into our Education opening up new opportunities within a savvy, more educated population? Some will have you believe that when the oil goes 60million can bear the loss easier than 5million. That may be true, Im no economist, but that makes me think that itll go further as an investment into those 5 million than it will bailing out banks and paying for MP expenses. Im seeing so many people saying they will vote no because they want no change, or they dont like Salmond, or that were not ready. You dont want change? Wake up! Change is going to happen, whatever the outcome of this election. Cameron has now made a promise he cant keep claiming well have something that sounds suspiciously like devo-max. His tory pals have already said that theyll vote against such powers and they wont happen. Its my belief that in the event of a No vote, westminster will imply a vote of no confidence in the scottish parliament on behalf of scotland. I think scotland will be penalised heavily for daring to consider leaving this union. Dont like Salmond? The guy has spent his entire political career seeking independence. If we succeed whats left for him to do? The SNP will have achieved what they stand for and there is nowhere else for them to go. Salmond will take part in the negotiations after a yes vote to agree on terms regarding a currency union or other important matters then his job is done. Hell have absolutely no part to play within an independant Scotland UNLESS hes elected to do so by the people of Scotland. Its pretty obvious to me that if you dont like Salmond then a yes vote is the quickest way to get rid. Were not ready? These people have their heads in the sand. I keep seeing time and again that we should try again in 5 years or so. Please give yourself a good shake if youre of this persuasion. This referendum was granted out of amusement for Cameron. He agreed to give Salmond his little vote in the expectation that itll be a clear and easy victory for No and he could successfully put the talks of independence to bed for a few decades. Thats why Devo-Max wasnt on the table. Devo-Max option would have taken a resounding victory but they dont want to give up any of their powers over us. Its all backfired for Cameron. Scotland hasnt folded on the first hand and given the outright No the tories expected. Weve got the shaken, badly. Westminster is absolutely terrified were going to give a yes result. Their kicking themselves that the didnt give us that third option, so now theyre offering too little, too late in an attempt to mollycoddle and appease us. The SNP have been fighting for a vote like this for 80YEARS! There will be no referendum in 5 years time or any other time. Yes or No this is going to the nail and it really is too close to call at the moment. Weve shaken up Westminster and they will NEVER give us this opportunity again. Another motive for them to strip away powers from Holyrood in the event of a No vote. Im praying for a yes vote because I want my children, their children and my childrens, childrens, children to have a fair shot at living in a just society. A society free of poverty so they dont have to stand in the rain queuing at food banks waiting for provisions they can prepare using a kettle because they cant afford to switch on a cooker. A country where they can expect free healthcare when, god forbid, its needed. Free prescriptions in times of sickness. A free education to better their future and give them opportunities that past generations have never seen before. Its my opinion that these things should be a basic human right for every man, woman and child on the planet, not just in Scotland. An independent Scotland gives us the best chance to ensure that future generations have these things. Because really, thats who this referendum is for. Its for the very young, and yet to be born generations of future Scots. Its really not about you or I, indeed I believe things may be on a bumpy road for a time after a successful Yes vote. Rarely does anything of this kind of magnitude go smooth sailing, but well work it out and prevail through any difficult stages in order to make things better. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity friends, family and brethren. Make your vote matter. Vote with your heart AND your head.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:53:59 +0000

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