Tomorrow....where were you on the day???....I remember distinctly - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow....where were you on the day???....I remember distinctly where I was...I woke up about 11;25 am to seeing a plane crash into a building. At the time, I didnt know where it was, what was going on? At first I thought it was local. But soon realized what was going on. . I live over off of Bertha Lane in a little cracker box 2 bedroom house in Haltom City. I worked for Sprint/Nextel from 3:00 pm to 12:30 am Sun-Thurs. I was what they called at the time a TA or team advisor. Basically a floor supervisor that took escalated calls. That day, even though there were still some idiots who would call in wondering why they couldnt get service in New York...maybe the national disaster you narrow minded, selfish B....I digress. There were tons of folks calling in, just hoping that we had some way of getting service through so they could check on loved ones, family, etc who were there in those towers and around the area that day. I will never forget the actual pain and hurt I felt for them and for our country. I actually felt a little helpless as an American citizen. From that point on, even though I had never before had a desire, I felt a burning in my heart to go and serve my country somehow. But, as fate would have it, I never could pass a stupid simple hearing test. A hearing test....really????..e on....I tried to even get into the Army reserves until I was luck....the military didnt need anyone at the time....really????....I think we need anyone and everyone who WANTS to go serve their country. And yeah, I heard it all. Youll get sent straight over to Afghanistan, or Iraq. Especially since you want to go as an MP.....and so???....its my life....Youll leave your daughter and possibly get killed.....Maybe, but my sacrifice for the country and the simple fact that she could have used my GI Bill for college was all the reason I needed. I had her best interest in mind. Id give my life up for my daughter and the ones I love ANYTIME..... Anyway, thank you to my family who served. The ones on my page Jerry Smith - Army, MarvinJanice Smith - Army (I tagged my aunt cause my uncle doesnt even know FB exists I think...haha right Robin-Kirk Milam Smith?); Josh Smith - Navy; Carl Bear - Navy; William Parker - Marines; Charles Parker - Marines; Doc Smith - Army; Cheryl Cane - Navy; Jeff Bear - Army; BOTH my grandfathers, William Shelby Bear - Army(Purple Heart); and Clark Smith - Army (POW); Chris Dent - Navy...there are others, but those are the ones I can remember at this time. AND...I have several friends who have served and I thank you guys as well.... I dont care how bad our government gets, how crappy our politicians are, how much grief the world in general gives us as Americans. and I truly, truly, TRULY believe that if we put God back in our government buildings, our schools, start singing the national anthem daily, praying daily, whipping our kids butts when they act out and not have to worry about some idiot neighbor suing us...the country would be a BETTER place....just my opinion...make the kids go OUTSIDE to play in the Summer, drink from a water hose every once in a while (let it cool down first. That SH*T burns at first), go to a field and fist fight out your problems, dont shoot or stab someone, but then go hang out and play football or baseball together in a vacant lot or field (depending on the time of year)... Some may call it old timers syndrome....I call it better times. Im DAMN PROUD to be an American and if you dont like can kiss my red, white, and blue A$$!!!..... God bless America...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 01:45:03 +0000

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