Tomorrows the day when we have the opportunity to exercise our - TopicsExpress


Tomorrows the day when we have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote. Dont forget to vote. Men have died as far back as the war for independence to insure that this right is NEVER taken away from the American people. A lot of us think that it doesnt matter and years ago I was one of those people. But it does matter, for the simple fact that this right at one time had to be fought for and men died in the process. Think about the countries today where voting isnt even allowed, their representatives are chosen for them, or only the men can vote. American women had to struggle to get the right to vote here in America. The womens sufferage movement, we all know about it right ?. Think about Iraq today, as screwed up as they are they do have free elections now and women have the right to run for elected office and have the right to vote. I know about the debate on whether we should of gone there in the first place(3-2003), my feeling is yes we should of gone into Iraq, simply for the fact that right or wrong we disposed of a murderous tyrant. In the end we left the Iraqis with our greatest export : FREEDOM. Its up to the Iraqi people to govern themselves accordingly. But the right to vote is now in place there because of brave Americans. So, America, get out there an vote, right or wrong, VOTE. My family is. Ever since my daughter turned 18 I explained all of this to her and she decided to register to vote and still votes today, even in school board elections, she votes. And Im proud of that.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:21:22 +0000

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