Tomorrow’s Sermon Title: Messiah is the Visible Image of - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow’s Sermon Title: Messiah is the Visible Image of Invisible Elohim: Messiah is active from Eternity Past through Eternity Future. Scripture Reading: John 1:1-4 “In the beginning (from Eternity Past, even before creation) the Word (Adonai, Who is the Physical Expression in thought, reason, and action, of Invisible Elohim) already existed (and was active even before the universe was created). The Word (Who is Adonai) was with (by standing in an intimate unity and relationship beside) Elohim, and the Word was (Adonai) Elohim. He existed in the beginning (from Eternity Past) with Elohim. Elohim created everything through Him (Adonai), and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His Life provided Light to all of humanity.” Introduction Headline: What was the Purpose of Messiah’s Birth? What was the Mystery of His First Advent? And, Most Importantly, Why does it Matter? Introduction Text: From Genesis 1 through Revelation 22, Elohim is revealed as our Triune Most High, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, and the Primary source of All life: past, present, and future. Yeshua is the exact representation of Elohim in human form: Yeshua faithfully represents Abba Yahweh, His Father, completely in His Nature, in His Attributes, and in His Actions. Yeshua is the Hebrew and Aramaic name for the Greek name Jesus. Messiah’s name, Yahushua, which means, Yahweh is my Salvation, is pronounced in its practical street form as Yeshua. Jesus is the English form of His Name. His name translated from Greek is pronounced Hey-Zoos. His Hebrew name, Yeshua, is used throughout the Old Covenant writings for savior and salvation. Adonai Messiah Yeshua came to save humanity from sin, declared throughout the Old Covenant Writings. Everywhere the Old Covenant translates redeemer, savior, or salvation, it is really Yeshua. Yeshua from Old Covenant Writings is wrongly translated into English Savior or Salvation. Isaiah 62:11 says, “Look, your Savior is coming. Look, he brings his reward with him as he comes.” Isaiah 62:11 should be translated from the Hebrew, “Look, Yahweh has made it to be heard to the end of the earth; Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold! Yeshua is coming! Pay Attention! His reward is with Him, and His work (is) before Him.” Another example from Isaiah is wrongly translated, “The Lord has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10 should actually be translated from the Hebrew, “Yahweh has revealed His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see Him, Who is the First and the Last, Yeshua, (who comes) from our Elohim.” Yeshua, in Christian doctrine and theology, is known as Adonai, the pre-existent Messiah. Adonai means Sovereign, Master, and Owner of all that exists, and is referred to as the Father of Eternity. Adonai was born Messiah Yeshua in human form. His name reflects His Ministry and His Mission to redeem fallen humanity from the consequences of sin, which is eternal suffering after death. Yahweh revealed Himself as Triune Elohim, humanity’s One True Almighty Redeemer, who is worthy of our praise. Yahweh then revealed His Salvation to Humanity through His Son Yeshua. 1st Timothy 3:16 says, “Without question, great is the mystery of our Faith: Elohim was revealed in an human body, vindicated by the Spirit, seen and recognized by angels, preached among the nations, believed in throughout the world, and raised up into Glory to Heaven.” Yeshua was born containing the fullness of Elohim in Human form. Adonai is our One True Creator, but is Triune in His Persona, which is a profound mystery for unbelievers to understand. We meet every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at Hope Fellowship of Somerset for fellowship. We begin worship at 10:30 a.m. and the teaching portion of the Service at around 10:45 a.m. You can watch us online on youtube at: https://youtube/watch?v=z7IfRyjXm-0 If youre in Somerset, WI, feel free to join us at: 845 Plum Tree Lane, Somerset, WI, 54025. Be blessed as you join us for worship. Be there, or be left unaware.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:42:11 +0000

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