Tomorrow’s Sermon Title: Shemitah Years, Jubilee Cycles, and - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow’s Sermon Title: Shemitah Years, Jubilee Cycles, and Blood Moons: These are Prophetic Events that Point to Messiah’s Return. Scripture Reading: Joel 2:28-32 “I will pour my Ruach on everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour on both men and women. I will work miracles in the sky and on the earth: blood, fire, and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will become as red as blood before the terrifying day of Yahweh comes. Then whoever calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved.” Introduction Headline: We will see Blood Moon Tetrads, a new Shemitah Cycle, and end of a Jubilee Year: all align Prophetically with Messiah’s Return 2015. Introduction Text: This particular year, unlike all others, began a new Shemitah Cycle in 2014/2015 at Last Year’s fall Festival of Trumpets, which will end the last Shemitah Cycle in 2022, and possibly Messiah’s reign. We were encouraged by Messiah, that when we see all the Prophetic Events converging at once, we should focus on Heaven, because it will be at that time our redemption will take place. To recap what we’ve been hearing from theologians, pastors, and biblical teachers concerning the Last Days comes from ignorance of Torah Writings in the Old Covenant that details the Festivals. The festivals serve as Types and Shadows of Messiah’s Miraculous Virgin Birth, His Life, His Substitutionary Death, His Physical Resurrection from the Dead, and His Glorious Return. They are Yahweh’s Prophetic Timelines from which we can draw understanding of the Last Days, and the timing of Messiah’s Second Coming as our Conquering King and Noble Master. The first 4 Festivals of Yahweh were fulfilled completely in Messiah in 30 A.D., which were, in order, Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and finally Pentecost, His assemblies’ birth. 1st Corinthians 10:11-12 exhorts us, “These things were written down as a warning for us who are living in the closing days of history. So, people who think they are standing firmly should be careful that they don’t fall.” Most of us weren’t taught the Prophetic Importance of Yahweh’s Festivals, nor how Messiah Yeshua is the ultimate fulfillment of these Festivals: all of which we need to understand and apply. Romans 15:4-6 declares, “Everything written long ago was written to teach us so that we would have confidence through the endurance and encouragement which the Scriptures give us. May Elohim, who gives you this endurance and encouragement, allow you to live in harmony with each other by following the example of Messiah Yeshua. Then, having the same goal, you will praise Yahweh and Father of Adonai, our Master Yeshua, the Messiah.” Most western thinking evangelical theologians, pastors, and biblical teachers have taught that we can’t know when Messiah will appear for His Bride, because no man knows the day or the hour. Many who misquote Messiah’s statement no man knows the day or hour are woefully ignorant of Yahweh’s Festivals (in Hebrew, Moedim, or Appointed Times), particularly at His Fall Festivals. To understand Yeshua’s statement, we have to understand which Feast the Torah Writings call the Yom Teruah meaning, Day of Blowing Trumpets and Loud Shouting: it is Rosh HaShanah in Israel. It is the only Feast Day appearing at the beginning of a biblical month, where no man knows the day or hour because no man knows when the New Moon will be sighted to determine the month. This is a 2 part return for Messiah on the Festival of Trumpets. One precedes the Tribulation Period, and the other follows it. No one knows the exact day the Last Trumpet will be blown. We meet every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at Hope Fellowship of Somerset for fellowship. We begin worship at 10:30 a.m. and the teaching portion of the Service at around 10:45 a.m. You can watch us online on youtube at: https://youtube/watch?v=zX38giRMmeg If youre in Somerset, WI, feel free to join us at: 845 Plum Tree Lane, Somerset, WI, 54025. Be blessed as you join us for worship. Be there, or be left unaware.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:24:16 +0000

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