Tonight, Beverly and I were invited to the grand opening of - TopicsExpress


Tonight, Beverly and I were invited to the grand opening of Hollywood Costume, a huge, lavish show covering costumes in movies from Charlie Chaplin to very recently. I imagine this was a star-studded affair--it inaugurated one of the new buildings of the LACMA--but it was so dark the only person I recognized was Rick Baker, whos easy to spot even in a darkened room. But anyway, HE spotted US. Everyone else was pretty much silhouettes. Its a gigantic show; the person whos behind it is Deborah Nadoolman Landis, whos been working on it for seven years (her husband John sneaked us in the back). Its not what you may be thinking:famous costumes on dressmaker dummies. There are several rooms, with costumes often in dramatic contexts, always with photos, always with descriptions and quotations. Just by walking through these rooms gives you an increased understanding of and appreciation for the skills and artistry of costume designers. Were going back at least once more, probably twice, as its a lot to comprehend in one walk-through. Ill try to piece together a list of some of what we saw, but there were costumes from the Indiana Jones movies, one of Marilyns from SOME LIKE IT HOT, Charles Middletons Ming costume, two Superman suits as well as Batman and Iron Man. A section was devoted to Meryl Streep costumes with some interesting notes by her. There was a Kim Novak dress (the green one) from VERTIGO, Tippi Hedrens from THE BIRDS, and so on. There were occasional video clips of directors from Hitchcock to Tarantino talking about costumes. And so on. Its a great show. It will be there at the corner of Fairfax and Sixth for a while.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:38:33 +0000

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