Tonight I am praying for the person(s) who have spent countless - TopicsExpress


Tonight I am praying for the person(s) who have spent countless hours investigating me, stalking me, getting misinformation in some cases and spreading it as fact, have set up fake social media accounts using my picture and when I had Facebook remove my picture they replace the photo with a picture of a pig and then continue to attack me - and today, they mailed a two page document to people in Valley Center about me titled Public Information with information about my divorce, and past positions in organizations, and statements about my student loans and financials (which have half truths sprinkled throughout) but did not have the courage to sign their name to it or include a return address - just 34 points attacking my character. Well, to their credit, not all 34 points were about my financial statements and divorce, they did include me being named Woman of the Year by the State of California twice, and they did mention that I published a book that has not been published yet, so their research is a little off :-) To what purpose? I have no idea. If I had gone to that much trouble to disparage someone, I would have been man enough to put my name to it...but, then again, I would NEVER in a million years do this to another person. But, somewhere I suspect there is a person or persons who are proud of themselves tonight. And to them I say: I am praying earnestly and with more fervor for you. My commitment to forgive you is to the Lord - not you. You have done these things to me in cover of anonymity - in social media and refusing to sign your name in the mail (which takes a lot of time, BTW, and thinking through your actions to make copies, take them to the post office, purchase stamps... quite a labor of attack, actually. Not the easy stuff like instant social media. You really went old school and made an effort of bitterness.) But, my commitment is not to you and it is not in the dark. My commitment is to the Lord and public - I am praying for you. Tonight, may He draw you closer to Him - or to Him at all - however He has designed to do that. He says, Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing. It is mine to avenge; I will repay says the Lord. On the contrary, If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. If he/she is in terrible pain and spends his/her days researching my life and setting about to hurt me...I will pray for you all the more, day and night. I will be on my knees for you. If you need anything this holiday season - message me. If it is in my power to give to you, I will. Because you know what? My battle is not with you. We battle against things unseen - and that battle belongs to the Lord! Amen :-) I will also be praying that the Lord reveal ways I can serve you and reach out to you... no one should live in such misery that you spend your days focused on me. I am not worthy of this much attention - I assure you. But, the God I know and love is MORE than worthy!!! I am praying that you see that. Oh if you spent this much time, energy and resources studying our Heavenly Father instead of worthless ol me! How precious that would be to Him! Anyone reading this, or who got a two page letter about me in the mail today - please join me in praying EARNESTLY for this person(s). Where two or more are gathered :-) Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:16:54 +0000

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