Tonight I get a call on the way to Karate from Josh telling me - TopicsExpress


Tonight I get a call on the way to Karate from Josh telling me that Rosie has taken a turn for the worse and is dying so we need to drive there instead and say goodbye. On the way there, I get smashed into by a large truck coming out of Deep Cove Rd. as Im driving by on Rt. 302. I get spun around twice and end up facing the opposite direction, just in time to see the truck speeding away down Main St. Raymond. Amazing that I didnt hit any other cars since there was oncoming traffic that I had turned right into and cars behind me. I managed to get the car to the side of the road and put my hazards on. 2 people stopped saying they saw the whole thing and would wait until the police came. The trucks license plate was knocked off in the collision so the officer immediately reported it. The guy lives 2 miles away. The cops show up and he has beer in hand and says, I was so worried about the accident, I came right home and started drinking. Hes drunk. They cant charge him with a DUI because he admits to drinking at home, so they cant prove he was drunk driving. He gets a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident since that is a misdemeanor in Maine. The officer tells us he has multiple DUIs and tickets. His name is Sean Wing and he lives in Casco. I call Josh as he is at the Vets waiting for me and tell him. He comes to pick us up and after all is squared with the paramedics, we head off to pray over and thank Rosie and thank the Lord for our time with her. When we adopted her from the shelter, we actually had our eyes on the other dog there we saw on Petfinder. And once we met her, we fell in love and took her home. She has been the best dog ever and could have been the poster child for pit bulls
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:21:02 +0000

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