Tonight, I had a chat with the Malits (Andrew and Kris) about - TopicsExpress


Tonight, I had a chat with the Malits (Andrew and Kris) about their siblinghood with Kayla. And I got to know the Malits a bit better now. I needed their perspective and their wisdom because I can relate to what they went through. That and it can help me being a better big bro to my lil sisters. And not too far from our side of the table, Sara, Devo, and Steve were having similar conversation about plans and pre-destination. Im not a scholar so I didnt chime in. But let me share you a true story I never told anybody before,.. It was my fourth year in college, I was a senior, months away from graduation. This was before K.C. created Ramas SCREEN. Anyways, I was in fear because I had no clue, no plan whatsoever as to what I was going to do once I had my Business degree in my hand. I wasnt even sure if Business was something that I was passionate about. Meanwhile all my friends were either going off to student missionary, or Loma Linda or they received internship in that company or that company. All the while I was thinking, What on earth am I going to do with my Business degree?! So my dad called in from Indo and we had a long argument over the phone. Dont get me wrong, my dad is my hero, but we disagree on a lot of things and when we argue, it gets really loud. I told him that maybe I should go back to school and do pre-nursing and see where that would take me, but he strongly disagreed. Which was baffling to me because I thought all Asian parents would love for their kids to do any kind of medical field. Needless to say that our phone conversation that day lasted long and bitter. But heres whats funny, no matter how many times I argue with my dad, I often find him to be right. So I stuck it out and got my degree.. And then K.C. created Ramas SCREEN and then not long after that, Jodi recruited me into enrollment team and the rest is history. So back to my conversation with the Malits, I dont want to go into details.. but their story, what they were telling me from their personal experiences, oddly and perfectly connected to what Sara, Devo, and Steve were discussing on the other side of the table. Again, Im not a scholar, I dont know if its wise to pull a Gideon (which funny enough is my middle name LOL) and then tested God to see where He wants you to go I dont know if its wise to say that God intentionally wills each and every single of our moves, every minute before we even commit them. I dont know if God has already decided everything for us. I dont know if I believe in destiny or fate or that mumbo jumbo stuff. But what I can gather from my senior year experience and from Malits story is this.. you never know where God might lead you and thats a good thing. Theres an old saying: If you wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans! It sounds funny but its true, because whatever we have planned for our lives is nothing compares to what He has planned for us. Does that make us less free to choose? Does that mean our free-will means nothing? Does that mean we should stop making plans completely? Does that mean we should stop praying for God to give us signs? Of course not. I think God loves us too much to even think about taking that freedom away from us. He wants us to keep coming to Him; to keep asking Him for blessings. Plus, Im a planner, its just in me. But the point is.. and this is just speaking from personal experience, its ok if you dont share this sentiment, but heres what I believe.. things have a way of working themselves out when we leave our plans in Gods hands.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 05:04:05 +0000

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