Tonight, I had a discussion with a very confused Brother in - TopicsExpress


Tonight, I had a discussion with a very confused Brother in Christ, (actually several of them) regarding the inspiration and preservation of a KJV, 1611 Bible. I know he and the others surely love souls, and love the Lord, but are misguided about what Manuscript Evidence is about, and what God preserving His Word is about. I just want to clarify again what I believe God has intended for the Body of Christ for THIS Age. We have an English Bible in the KJV, 1611, because the majority of the world speaks English. If God had intended for us to continue to speak Greek or Hebrew, (the Originals), He would have still provided that for us instead, amen? Find the Originals for me, and when you do, tell the rest of the world too? The KJV, 1611 is the ONLY Book that gave us the complete Word of God in 66 Books, that we could hold in our hands, read, and worship God with. William Tyndale, John Knox, Martin Luther, and countless others gave their lives, were burned at the stake, boiled in oil, mauled to death by lions in Roman Coliseums, put on the rack, and pulled apart, persecuted, and killed all the day long, (Foxes Book of Martyrs) so we could hold this Book, the KJV, 1611 in our hands. It is blood bought by the saints of old, Blood bought and fulfilled by the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary, and then the blood of His martyrs afterward. No martyrs blood has been shed for an NIV, RSV, NKJV, etc.. It’s THIS BOOK, the KJV, 1611, that the world hates. The KJV was the FINAL CULMINATION and COMPLETION of God’s Word for this sinful world, and Laodicean Church Age. The Christians who were first called “Christians” were in Antioch of Syria, where our Textus Receptus came from. The Hebrew Masorets blessed our Old Testament. So, the KJV, 1611 emerged as the Final Dispensation for this English speaking world. When so-called “Bible Schools” run back to the “Originals”, they are chasing something that God has MOVED PAST, because we now hold that SAME Word in our hands TODAY, in a KJV, 1611 Bible. How much clearer can that get? Never before at any time in history, has the Word been as so completely revealed, preserved, and inspired by the Holy Ghost as in the 66 books we hold in our hands in a KJV, 1611. The Roman Catholics sought to keep this Book from being compiled and printed. They wanted to continue to refer to the “Originals”. God help us, if we can’t believe in the inerrancy of a KJV, 1611 Bible. Jack Hyles, before he died, finally admitted that the KJV, 1611 was God’s Perfect Word, and didn’t refer back to the “Originals”. He was by far the greatest “Fundamentalist” of our day. I haven’t heard anyone dispute THAT. I suppose folks like me should be called “Hylesites”, along with “Ruckmanites”, or any other snearing “moniker” that condescending “Bible Critics” use on folks that simply want to defend the Book? Consider and pray over what I’ve said here. This has nothing to do with personalities, attacking anyone, or anything personal AT ALL. This discussion is about loving God’s Word, and defending it from Satanic attacks by Bible rejecting academicians, so-called scholars, doubters, and “despots”, like the ones described in the Epistle Dedicatory (Preface) to the KJV, 1611, ie. “Popish persons”. Their primary goal, was to not only keep the common man from holding the Bible in his hands, but believing on it too. THEY wanted to be the authority that the lay person would have to resort to coming to for instruction and edification. Is this clear? I think it is very clear.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 04:15:37 +0000

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