Tonight, I had the opportunity to address the Jersey City - TopicsExpress


Tonight, I had the opportunity to address the Jersey City Municipal Council and urge them to support our Jersey City EMS! January 15th, 2014 Good evening Council, First off, I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year. I haven’t been to council meetings in a while due to my focus on my college education at Seton Hall University and working a part-time job. The real reason why I’m here tonight is to talk to you about the Jersey City Medical Center EMS Contract. First let me say, I would like to thank the Jersey City Medical Center EMS for their service to the City of Jersey City for the past 130 years. They have always been at the forefront of making sure Jersey City residents are well taken care of. Also as a Greenville resident, I’m very proud to see the Jersey City Medical Center take charge to re-open Greenville Hospital. This is long overdue. Sadly, my ward has had a lack of leadership on the council for many years and it’s still continuing till this day. Bottom line, I’m urging the Council to vote against McCabe EMS because they are not from Jersey City and don’t understand quality of life issues in Jersey City. They also are a for-profit organization and can care less about the poor. In my ward, there are many families with mixed incomes but many live below the poverty line. By switching to McCabe EMS, will negatively affect my neighbors. I don’t understand how anyone can really vote for this. We have to stop letting outsiders come in and take over Jersey City. Sadly, during the last mayoral race, the residents decided they wanted change and voted for Mayor Steven Fulop. Since July 2013, many residents have questioned his integrity and leadership based on an increase in crime, higher property taxes; simply broken campaign promises. Right now, Mayor Fulop wants to stay in the spotlight by blaming Governor Christie not meeting with him, etc. Mayor Fulop also is focusing on his run for Governor in 2017. Just like Senate President Stephen Sweeney said, Mayor Fulop picks fights with anyone for his own personal gain. In closing, it’s the residents of Jersey City who deserves the attention not Mayor Steven Fulop. I’m asking his allies on the council to support the Jersey City Medical Center EMS. You are an elected public official for the City of Jersey City so why not support your own? Why would you support another service not from your own community? We have to stop letting outsiders take over. First, we have a Mayor not from Jersey City, Next, we have a School Superintendent not from Jersey City, ( Franklin Walker would have been a good choice) Next a police director not from Jersey City, now you want our EMS services to come from out of town? We are the second largest city in the State of New Jersey. We have over 250,000 plus residents. You are telling me no one in qualified in this city to run our police and fire department, our schools, etc. What message are you sending to the taxpayers of this city? Not only them but what about our children. Many of our children are in our public school system trying to gain a quality education to give back to their community yet with the choices many are making, you are turning them away. Our city is in trouble and all I can say is the residents especially in Wards A & F are watching and you guys won’t get away with this. Councilman Richard Boggiano please continue to fight for Jersey City and thanks for being a public servant and not a politician. Demetrius M. Terry A Young Strong Democratic Voice for Jersey City Jersey City Minority, LGBT Community Advocate
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:08:50 +0000

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