Tonight I has been to a party. It wasnt one of them yes, you can - TopicsExpress


Tonight I has been to a party. It wasnt one of them yes, you can bring your dog if you has to parties and it wasnt a doggy party either. It was a hooman party and then there was this phone call asking if me, Mr Worzel Wooface Gummidge would very actually like to come. Mum did say yes please for me although she didnt do telling me I had to be getting in a minibus to go, which did nearly put the kibosh on the whole night. How-very-ever, there was a bit of picking up and plonkering of me in the minibus and that was quite that. When we did get to the party there was 10 humans and 4 dogs as well as me and a small hooman. All the other dogs was black labrador type doggies. You might be finking that they do all be looking the same but that would be because you do not be having doggy intooition. Herbie - he be the one of the sofa lookering comfy on his dads knee is a senior doggy sir, and he was quite clear that me, as a junior was going to be doing as I was very actually quite told. Some of the hoomans did be worrying about this but I was an excellent boykin and did remember my please and thank yous and my flipping eck you may be blind but you is blinking scary I will be doing as you do say, Sir, thanking you kindly. Also there was Simba and Lola and Sam wot I have met before from Dads work. Sam mostly liked me to mooch about with him but Lola and Simba wanted to very actually play. We did make up a game where I did run fast and they did try to corner me, then I did play bow and they did bow and then we did do it again... and again... and again. It was very actually fantastic. After we had done running about I did do lying on the floor chillering out and everybody did say I was luffly gentle boy and excellent Wooface. Mum is very quite protective of me, I dunno if you did notice and so I are not allowed to sociate with dogs wot are unpredictababble in case they do be bashing my confident. She says this is because I did has a rotten puppyhood but tonight I did show off to dad and everybody how far I has come, how superboy I are at reading other doggys instructions, even when those instructions are you is a whipper-snapper Wooface even if you is the very actual size of a table.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:38:01 +0000

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