Tonight I listened and watched BBC TVs Last Night of the Proms. It - TopicsExpress


Tonight I listened and watched BBC TVs Last Night of the Proms. It seemed to feature a good number of nations from all parts of the world who are fascinated, if not indeed in love with our idiosyncratic and quite memorable country. It claims that a tiny globule of a nation rules the waves: it claims that Jesus visited England in ancient times: it claims that God who made us mighty, will make us mightier yet. Some is myth: some legend: but it is based on a set of values. It is an annual paean to this much maligned country comprising England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: a disparate people, whose antecedency is even more enriched by Romans, Celts, Picts, Angles, Saxons, Normans, Vikings, Huguenots, Indians, Pakistanis, Bosnians, Chinese, Africans of many tribes, languages and nations, Australians, Americans, Polish, and all other free and oppressed peoples of the entire world - a people who have assimilated, embraced, come together, and have decided to set up home in one of the most libertarian and welcoming countries in the world. In hard times, the UK welcomed Ugandan Asians, political prisoners of all rogue nations in the world, and, perhaps more memorably (if history means anything) the Jewish children from Nazi Germany when the world was going mad. The world continues to go mad, with the lunacy of the secessionists of Scotland claiming that they are oppressed serfs of the Lord Snooties of the Dark Star of Wastemonster, whose destiny can only be achieved by freedom from the liars, bullies, and blusterers from Eton - all words in inverted commas direct from the slack-jowled mendacious mouth of the First Haggis. That is the very same statesman who wants to keep good relations going with our good friends in England (he never, never mentions Wales or Northern Ireland!), and seeks to be a favoured trading partner. OK so far. Heres my read of the situation. He has called a good number of my friends, relations and family worse than the shit on his shoes. He has for a period of at least two years sneered at my country, its values, and above all, its family of peoples. He wants to divide, separate, and demean - even though most of the grown-up world is telling him its a bloody car crash. He has surrounded himself with such weak-spined jellyfish, as would make a man without backbone stand proud. He is an empty vessel. A spittoon without a saloon. A cowboy without a Colt revolver. A pointless, vacuous, pontificating, posturing, vacillating, venal, obfuscatory, mendacious, lying, denying, class-obsessed snake-oil merchant with all the charisma of a jobsworth bus inspector. Basically, all we have to do is go to the polls. We didnt do it last time: it was a general election: and Doughboy got in because of a dodgy election procedure, and because the rest of us werent on guard duty. This time we are. He will be crushed. With luck, for more than a generation! Be of good heart, my fellow Scots (Pretentious, moi?). Well stick it to the rotund ragazzo, and send him hamewards, tae think again.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:54:32 +0000

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