Tonight, I made it to Burning Hearts Sessions at New Life - TopicsExpress


Tonight, I made it to Burning Hearts Sessions at New Life Christian Fellowship. Hung with my “concert buddy” and dear friend, Jennifer Williams Taylor . On my way there, I had all the muck of the world on my mind, and it was still there when I began trying to worship Jesus. It didn’t take long for me to realize what I was experiencing, and then COMMAND MY FLESH TO WORSHIP THE LORD. I set my heart upon Jesus … and lifted my eyes to the Heavens. IMMEDIATELY, above the screen {that you see in the video}, I saw Jesus on His Throne, wearing a very white robe with a gold banner-sash, seated with His hands on the arms of the chair. HE HAD THE BIGGEST SMILE ON HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. And I saw in the Vision the congregation wildly dancing before Him, and He was loving it. We honored Him as King. It looked like some festival we’ve seen in Mexico or Russia - as we twirled about in gorgeous costumes, adorned for His pleasure. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! In my spirit, I heard the Holy Spirit speak “Just like the tiny ‘mustard seed’ that is faith, each and every word you speak and every step you take to honor Jesus, He holds tightly in His hand as a gift you gave Him. None of it goes unnoticed.” I understand that Satan comes to us with negative thoughts … and we conjure vain imaginations on our own as well. But in Jesus’ eyes, any tiny thing you do FOR HIM / *with an upright heart*, He receives JOYOUSLY. He had a HUGE smile on His face just because our hearts were dancing before Him. Dont ever think that your singing isnt good enough for Jesus ... or that you dont know any dances ... just DO IT - He loves EVERYTHING that we do for Him!!! Jesus told the guys who came to Him with “Look at all of this great stuff we did in Your name”, with “DEPART FROM ME – I NEVER KNEW YOU.” Think about that: HE WANTS TO *KNOW* YOU!!! WHAT AN AMAZING BLESSING!!! I and Jen recorded a pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship, as he spoke out about the Vision The Lord gave me. He got a couple of small details wrong as he tried to remember what I explained to him .. but that doesn’t matter. And I tell you in all honesty, I DO NOT care if you don’t believe this happened!!! The only opinion that matters to me is my Lord’s!!! I handed my camera to Jen because I really wanted to go up front to dance {which caused the shaking at the start of the music} … then she stepped out into the aisle … so you see me bouncing around … and she tried to get the crowd of people, who were also dancing about. I’m usually rather quiet about my worship, but I let loose tonight like I do once in awhile. A few songs after I had that Vision, during another song, I did some intercessory prayer for someone important to me, asking God to break the chains of religion from them. And I saw, to my left, just at the edge of my peripheral vision, my Angel {my bodyguard}, standing there facing the stage, looking very serious, arms almost folded {because there was no danger there, so no fighting was needed}. It made me giggle, and shed a few {more} tears {than I had earlier at the Jesus-Vision} and feel very safe!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:33:29 +0000

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