Tonight I wanted to sit down and expand and explain a bit more - TopicsExpress


Tonight I wanted to sit down and expand and explain a bit more about the changes coming to DSG, not only with the move, but with the rescue. I think my post earlier this week was more written out of frustration and stress than anything else and for that I do sincerely apologize. That was not fair to ANY of you, and I truly hope youll take the time to read this, and hopefully understand better my decisions and reasons. Changes are still coming however, especially with the new year approaching, and our 1 year anniversary. I do want to again make sure it is PERFECTLY CLEAR we ARE NOT closing!!! DSG isnt going ANYWHERE!!! Often times people rush into rescue, Ive heard so many people tell me time and time again You are doing what I want to do!! or I want to build a HUGE building and save ALL the dogs and cats from shelters! While yes, that would be absolutely fantastic to not have a need for a shelter anymore, and our goal is as always to keep several out of the shelters and off the streets, its highly unlikely any ONE rescue to accomplish that, and those that do often times find themselves overwhelmed, and over run, and that is exactly what Im trying to avoid. Its no secret that DSG is not highly liked in our local area, and honestly, that doesnt one bit bother me anymore, did it use to get to me? absolutely! But Ive learned to turn all the hate, the drama, the lies, and the bashing into PURE MOTIVATION!!! I could sit here everyday and bash other rescues, and other trainers and their methods, I could also sit here and shell out thousands upon thousands of dollars to take some fancy test on the computer to earn neat little initials after my name and a certification and waive it in everyones face... OR I could spend my time DOING the RIGHT thing, and letting my work, my business, and OUR rescue speak for itself.... Starting in January (actual date unknown) DSG will be launching a training business, we will be offering group classes, and private lessons at our new facility. We will offer everything from basic obedience and advanced obedience to behavior modification. Rates have yet to be set, and times offered are yet to be set. Eventually we would like to offer board and train. WE WILL NOT have OPEN business hours, and WE WILL NOT allow just anyone to walk through and play with the dogs in rescue. Classes and training are for JUST THAT training. DSGs training businesss main focus will be to help support the rescue, and take a LOT of the fundraising burden off of our supporters. Our Service Dog Program will also still be in existence, in spite of some resistance from supporters, and others, I WILL NOT leave these people behind. Not only am I the wife of a disabled veteran, I myself have disabilities and benefit greatly from my SDiT Ty. Im not sure why the resistance as there are MORE than enough veterans and others around to keep ALL the programs going Im sure! Our program will be as it has been, Veterans and family members/dependents receive service dogs/training FREE of charge, with initial vetting included. Others in the community wishing to receive a dog can contact us for basic information/pricing. There IS an application/screen process for ANYONE wishing to enter the program, and we welcome an initial visit on SD training days (will be starting back in January as well.) Once a class is full (generally 5-6 teams) there is a waiting list that will be formed. Once a class has graduated, we will then move on to the next group. With this I would like to point out to everyone that our program meets ALL ADA federal regulations, and guidelines, and we WILL NOT be PROFITING or pocketing ANY money off of this program, I AM NOT PAID by an organization to train these dogs, this is all time Im PERSONALLY DONATING to our veterans and their families, any money we make off a citizens service dog which will not be anywhere near THOUSANDS will go to helping our veteran teams. I would also like to de-bunk so to speak a common myth that seems to go around, and it goes with people coming to the facility. We are NOT a SHELTER, and we do not just allow you to come pick out a dog and take it home. With our rescues we have an adoption PROCESS, and a fostering program/process. There is a reason for our application, and the way we do things, yes you may be interested in a specific dog, however the application is in place to make sure that dog is a good match for your family, and lifestyle. We are NOT saying we do NOT allow visitors ever, but we dont just allow anyone to come in and walk through our facility, on our property, or in our personal home. DSG IS in fact going to be working towards slimming our numbers down. We will be on intake hold until many of our current adoptables move on to their forever homes. I would like to see us down to 5-6 dogs in rescue at any one given time, with 6 being our MAX number. I feel that if we continue at our current pace we will only fall further and further behind, our QUALITY of care, and food will have to decline as well. This is NOT what I want to see, and Im sure its also not what our supporters want to see either. DSG has ALWAYS taken great pride in choosing a higher quality diet, high quality vet care, and great care. We stick by our name sake, and our mission statement, and strive to provide each and every dog, cat, rabbit, or even turtle ;) we bring into our rescue a life FULL of love and grace. I have spent many sleepless nights worrying about where our next dollar is going to come from, how we are going to feed and vet everyone, and how we are going to make it through the next weeks, and months, and often times money for vetting purposes has been spent on food, or heartworm medications, and to me, that is not only not fair to the dogs, its not fair to YOU our supporters for this to happen. I feel guilty as sin when I have to make that judgement call, but at the same time I have to ensure a meal for each dog here and in foster twice a day. Its kind of the same thing many of you Im sure have felt or do feel (My kids will eat before I do.). When I sit here and think back almost 1 year ago, when I decided that I wanted to open my own rescue, I really think about my reasons, why? why did I want to do this, why not just continue to foster for others, why over-run my home with dogs and cats? why put all the stress of quarterly financial reports, every move I make being watched, the drama, the hate, the INSANE hours spent networking, and begging for money... seriously? why? Well, Ill tell you why... I LOVE every single minute I spend working with a dog, or even just sitting with a dog, a dog who had it not been for me taking that one step and applying for my state charter, would no longer be alive today. I LOVE watching a dog like polo who didnt even know how to wag his tail, or eat out of a bowl learn what TRUE love is, learn that its MUCH easier to NOT spill your food on the ground, to learn what GRASS is, and how to love. I love watching a dog like Lacey who when she came here literally snapped a crate in HALF to try and attack one of my dogs that was simply walking from one room to the next to a dog who can now run free in my yard while I walk another dog on a leash in the yard. Ive spent my ENTIRE life around dogs, and cats, and many other animals, I started to learn from other trainers how to work with dogs at the age of 11. Many of the those methods where at best old school yes, however, some of them are still tried and true. Im STILL learning today, spending as much time as I can studying, and learning, but thats all part of it, and part of the reason that I do what I do. The ultimate reward is watching dogs go to their forever homes, and the look they give me when I leave them isnt of sadness, its of pure happiness, and while I have mixed emotions, because Ive spent so much time with them, that I will of course miss them, I know they are saying thank you. and honestly, that is the BEST payment I could ever receive. Theres not a single person in this world that could offer me ANY amount of money to stop doing what I do, No JOB, or fancy title or stupid certification is needed for me to know that THIS is why DSG is here, THIS is the reason we exist, and will exist as long as I am physically able to do so! So for many reasons I feel that these are the best steps for us as a rescue, and the dogs. I have seen rescues get in over their heads, and its VERY easy to do, your heart is always set on saving a life, but when you cant provide those 50-100 dogs with the BEST possible quality of life, food, love, training, and vetting, then its time to take a step back and re-evaluate what your doing, and why. Our focus will still be on saving those that NO ONE else will, I will also welcome 1 senior in for sanctuary at a time that will live with my pack as our sweet Hope is now. I have always had a soft spot for the seniors, and I will continue to do it in JoJos honor, and in Hopes honor when its her turn to cross the bridge. I hope that you all will continue to follow our journey, and love and support us as you have in the past. We are excited to get this move well... lets be honest... OVER with! LOL ;) and we are TRULY excited to see what the new year has in store for us!!! 2014 is sure to be AMAZING!!!! Respectfully, Sarah Morrow President/Founder
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 03:41:44 +0000

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