Tonight,another very special, amazing, strong, woman that I met - TopicsExpress


Tonight,another very special, amazing, strong, woman that I met and has an undying smile was taken to the hospital for kidney failure. She too has been walking the path of cancer and ALL that goes with it......she has an amazing family, beautiful children and has touched many hearts....... Like me, she has a strong faith and we believe that one person knows our path. As mothers, daughters, sisters, etc. we share the fear of sparing everyone pain......we want to make sure that EVERYONE knows how much we love them and we worry more for them than ourselves......... This was just posted on her wall and it rings so true of everything that goes through our mind and we ALL need to remember...... “Sometimes you don’t know you’re walking through a door until you find yourself inside. Sometimes you don’t know how it happens like that: Days can be like red-eye all nighters, but the years go by in blinks. And you turn around and it’s all the mirage of memory, and you hurt a bit for just a bit more time. How can the kids know how you ridiculously want to speed through the hard parts and slow down all the happy and holy parts? And how can you know how you mix that all up and it isn’t until you can see it all in the rear-view mirror, that maybe you can see it was just that: The hard times are just the envelope that carry some of your holiest and happiest times. Nobody tells you that: Motherhood is seeing the map of your own bones unfold into a whole other person and the ride of a lifetime. And sometimes all you want to do is go back, get a do-over — sometimes all you want to do is bag up the whole sun-drenched summer of your life — to retrieve someday in the winter of your life. Sometimes you just want to remember the story of who you are again. Maybe that’s why we do it too — why us mamas take pictures and freeze frame bits of their lives in journals — so in the dark of fringe hours, the middle of the nights, in the winters, and the forgetting days, we can retrieve the story of our live, who we once were and who we are becoming. Being a mother is a way of being, not a way of being biologically related. And Motherhood is a way of loving no matter what the story, because of The Story, until we all know the Story, live the Story, are the Story — till the story ends in His way, for His Glory, and the Story of Forever begins… Sometimes you don’t know what He’ll use to heal you, sometimes you won’t know the cost. Sometimes you won’t be prepared for the fire and the heat and the Spirit and the fear-begging-to-be-made courage. And this, this is always true, what everyone says when they get to the end: I never expected so much joy to come in so many unexpected ways. And yeah, when you get to the end, when it’s all said and done, what matters is that you know who you are, that you kids know who you are right in the marrow of your bone maps — that you can find your way Home — no matter what the next 10 years hold, the next 50, the next 100. We all only have so much time. We all only have so much time to Tell the Story and Live the Story and Pass on the Story before we won’t pass by this way again. And here’s the thing: Too Busy is a Choice. And Life is not an emergency — Life is a gift.” So Tricia Carter Baines, I am holding you close in my heart and sending up many prayers for your strength, your families strength, and know that GOD is good and pray that he carries you through this pain and works HIS miracles of healing and peace to you. Im asking my prayers warriors to say a prayer for Tricia and her family and remember the wise words above.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:29:17 +0000

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