Tonight as the sun was setting I was at Cape Blanco lighthouse, a - TopicsExpress


Tonight as the sun was setting I was at Cape Blanco lighthouse, a place where my now glorified friend Chet saw Jesus in open vision, on a white horse with myriads of angels with him, as one who sought to be invited into Earth, one who needed the sovereignty of men to call him onto the land. Chet had seen fire around Jesus that spread from his feet onto the land and moved up the river nearby. Jesus did not land on the land in the vision. If he had we would likely know it. One of the the messages by Bill Johnson I heard some years ago, spoke of ambushing God in places where he had previously been known to be or known to frequent. A really good message (people might think, since I am willing to at least sometimes call Bethel guys on their errors, I have something against them. This is not the case. In fact I think Danny Silk needs me. I am against everyones error equally, and for every man equally, that is the kind of thing a guy who measures correctly would find as part of the equality he espouses :) (I do however, candidly as can be shared on a public-ish page like this, think Bills wisdom has been curtailed somewhat since a bunch of people around him want to make a new pope of him) But back to my story. It is part 2 of the earlier post about our trying to make something happen because we cant give God time to work things through us, and we feel the urgency to move. So I was in this place where I go to ambush the lord where I know him to love to frequent. Let me just say that this place serves as a gate of intercession for me personally and leave it at that for now. Its that to me on purpose, because I knew for some time what the place means to Jesus. After all the king showed himself there to one of his prophets. The Lord showed me something there today I have never noticed. Something that tied back to something I was looking at and thinking of around one and a half years ago. A previously unnoticed man made feature of that place. Suzy will know from our visits there that I am alive to creation and priesthood there, like nobodys business, as they would say. So today I am there and I know that I have a massive audience of angels and the lord himself meeting me there, assuming I have something to bring up. I didnt. I didnt manufacture something. I have before out of my choice and faith done things there which I believe changed everything. I will again if I live to. In fact during my visit out there a couple weeks ago, as I sorted my loss of my brother as ministry partner, I did some crazy stuff there. Today, I became aware that Chet and Bob are with the lord now, and this place held geographical significance to them before and very likely does still. If John were to, in his present form, visit Patmos, wouldnt the place mean something to him? So if I had the type of personality that demands closure now on things, I would have tried something to not waste my audience. But the other thing is I have places to walk among those who stand by him. Its - the Earth is - my Daddys palace. This imagined gate is my courtroom. If I have no cause to bring, or I am not ready, it stays quiet. If I were to take something of my own idea and make something happen, I could lose too much. If I disqualify my priesthood by acting unjustly everyone can lose. So - After having this amazing new piece of information come up, I told everyone I love you and walked quietly and reverently away. This is what I mean by our joint place in our hearts being where this work that happens in faith and in the invisible, it has to be real, and it has to be in us, it has to be verity in our hearts and our mouths to do its right work, not in some outward agenda and a feeling of getting something done. Setting everyone to rights as Gods Creation, means being careful, as redemption is not automatic but takes a just ruling. The Lord has worked very hard with me to re-qualify me. I try to work with you to make sure you are re-qualified as His priests, or to help you not to disqualify yourself by false judgments. By unjust measures. It counts. If there are one thousand men, and it takes one who does not judge falsely to move to gain justice for the bunch of them, its best if someone in that group, would rather do nothing than to err. Someone has to not err. And that one must act, when the time and the power is right. If one man in one thousand men can do it, and that one fails to be just? What then? Exactly, same old same old fails.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:49:06 +0000

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