Tonight at our outreach meeting I wanted to write down a few - TopicsExpress


Tonight at our outreach meeting I wanted to write down a few things that might indicate our government is out of control. If I missed one please comment : Fast and Furious, Brian Terry, Holder in contempt of Congress, Holder failing to prosecute the Black Panthers, Benghazi, Susan Rice, who pushed the video, appointing Susan Rice to National Security Advisor where she can never be subpoenaed, the cover up, Holder not prosecuting illegals, Clinton, IRS Doug Sholman at WH 157 times at same time as Stephanie Cutter, Lois Lerner, Seal Team 6 kills Osama and 3 months later killeds in suspicious attack along with 25 special ops, Four 4-star Generals leaving military Patreas, McChrystal, John Allen, James Mattis, Syria, Libya, Egypt is now run by the Muslim Brotherhood, Iraq has been left to return to its previous state, EPA tax on rain water falling on your property, EPA tax on cow flatulence, Carbon tax, China stealing US intelligence, IRS targeting Christians, IRS targeting Tea Party, IRS targeting pro-Israel individuals, Obama advisor Samantha Power calling for invasion of Israel, War on Christians, Holder obtaining warrant of Fox reporter by going to -3- judges before obtaining it by lying to him, collection of over 100 million phone records (that we know of) of Americans, hmmm...I know I missed some....
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 04:02:14 +0000

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