Tonight at sunset the lunar crescent will appear in the - TopicsExpress


Tonight at sunset the lunar crescent will appear in the sky. This sighting this year, is significant, because, it virtually coincides with the beginning of the 4th month of the Gregorian Calendar, and makes explanation of the events known as ‘April Fools’ and the ‘Quarter-Deciman Controversy’ easy. Over 5000 year ago, the creator of the universe made a critical pronouncement, and we read: ‘Then Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, “FROM NOW ON, THIS MONTH WILL BE THE FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT OF THE ENTIRE YEAR.’”~Exodus 12: 1-2 The 10 Plagues were in progress, and He who had told Noah after the Flood that, “As long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night,” (Genesis 8: 22) went further to establish the cycle of the year. Daniel had predicted that the Roman ruler(s) to come will “…shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS.”~Daniel 7: 25 Julius Caesar 100BC to 44BC reformed the Calendar and the new calendar went into effect on the first day of January 709 A.U.C. (ab urbe condita—from the founding of the city [Rome])—January 1, 45 B.C.. The Julian calendar became the predominant calendar throughout Europe for the next 1600 years until Pope Gregory made further reforms in 1582. The Roman Senate named the month of July after Julius Caesar to honor him for reforming their calendar. After Juliuss grandnephew Augustus defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra, and became emperor of Rome, the Roman Senate decided that he too should have a month named after him. Not only did the Senate name a month after Augustus, but it decided that since Juliuss month, July, had 31 days, Augustuss month should equal it: under the Julian calendar, the months alternated evenly between 30 and 31 days (with the exception of February), which made August 30 days long. So, instead of August having a mere 30 days, it was lengthened to 31, preventing anyone from claiming that Emperor Augustus was saddled with an inferior month. The extra day needed to inflate the importance of August was taken from February, which originally had 29 days (30 in a leap year), and was now reduced to 28 days (29 in a leap year). Since the months evenly alternated between 30 and 31 days, adding the extra day to August meant that July, August, and September would all have 31 days. So to avoid three long months in a row, the lengths of the last four months were switched around, giving us 30 days in September, April, June, and November. When Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (reigned 306–337) he was a sun worshiper during the first years of his reign. Later, he professed conversion to Christianity, but at heart remained a devotee of the sun. Constantine created the earliest Sunday law known to history in AD 321. It says this: “ON THE VENERABLE DAY OF THE SUN LET THE MAGISTRATES AND PEOPLE RESIDING IN CITIES REST, AND LET ALL WORKSHOPS BE CLOSED. IN THE COUNTRY, HOWEVER, PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE MAY FREELY AND LAWFULLY CONTINUE THEIR PURSUITS: BECAUSE IT OFTEN HAPPENS THAT ANOTHER DAY IS NOT SO SUITABLE FOR GRAIN SOWING OR FOR VINE PLANTING: LEST BY NEGLECTING THE PROPER MOMENT FOR SUCH OPERATIONS THE BOUNTY OF HEAVEN SHOULD BE LOST.” That completion of the change of times made people regard THE CELEBRANTS OF THE NEW YEAR ON FIRST OF ABIB or NISSAN AS APRIL FOOLS! Nissan usually occurred near April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds), just like the First of Zodiac years Aries occurs late March! Happy New Moon/ New Year to those whom it may concern. And may Yahweh grant you the divine visitation that will gear your lives up to the next level, in the name of Yahshua “But the basic reality of Yahweh is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what Yahweh has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse.”~Romans 1: 19-20
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:29:22 +0000

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