Tonight during the SOTU address, President Obama will properly - TopicsExpress


Tonight during the SOTU address, President Obama will properly announce his imperial dictatorship. You will then see the left wing media sing his praises as though this is okay, but what is hypocritical is if President Obama went down to the county clerks office and took a $0.03 pen and placed a check mark approximately 3 millimeters in length next to a separate box then those same media outlets would be ridiculing his comments as a form of imperial dictatorship that violates the Constitution. I anticipate that he will blab about minimum wage as if that makes a difference. If you have not figured it out yet, minimum wage has not removed anyone from poverty. It causes employers operational expenses to increase thus leading to layoffs, price increases, and or both. So while you think minimum wage helps it does not. Yes you make more money, but then everything cost more money therefore you are in the same boat you are in now. If increasing minimum wage and in unemployment benefits alleviated poverty, led to prosperity, and truly boosted the economy, then why not just make minimum wage $1 million dollars an hour. Why, not? How about everyone just quit working all together and everyone draw unemployment? This working thing is for the birds. America would then be the greatest country with the most millionaires in the world! Because if minimum wage was $1 million dollars an hour, a gallon of milk would cost you $3.75 million dollars. If we all simply drew unemployment there would be zero production, and then there would be nothing to spend your unemployment check on. But to solve that crisis then the government would force you to do some form of work to earn your unemployment check from them because we cannot have a country with zero production occurring right? You would go from be a banking specialist to a great manual shovel operator for the highway department to ensure we have great infrastructure and roads for our rulers to travel on while heading toward their important meetings with the U.N. regarding our foreign policy on who to drone strike next. So... Everyone gets unemployment, minimum wage goes to $10-$15 dollars an hour, and you are forced into production for your government to earn your unemployment... So - How is that not slavery?
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:30:01 +0000

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