Tonight is the Hot107 You are Fierce awards! I am a diamond - TopicsExpress


Tonight is the Hot107 You are Fierce awards! I am a diamond recipient under the Empower category! Fingers crossed that I win, and I wish all of the diamond recipients good luck!! This is the category where we honour the graceful and goodness of someone who offers guidance and shares their experiences to enrich the lives of others. They coach others through volunteer work and/or in the workforce. They provide guidance, advice, wisdom and comfort, and is viewed as a mentor, counsellor or teacher. Their light shines bright and they are a beacon of hope illuminating a path of kindness, faith and positivity for those in need. Megan Ledarney Megan may have grown up poor and had to make her own way in life without much guidance but she hasn’t let that stop her from living the life of her dreams. She has built two hair replacement and hair extension salons in Edmonton and Calgary, and a hair replacement academy, as well as established an educational partnership with Eveline Charles Academy. At 12, she suffered from Trichotillomania, an obsessive hair pulling disorder. This led to being obscenely bullied at school especially after she ended up with a 7″x7″ bald spot on the top of her head, being dubbed “Mullet” as a cruel nickname. She dropped out of high school and sunk into depression, eventually ending up in a Calgary Youth Detention Centre after “assaulting a boy who had continually harassed her.” Megan helps women who suffer from all shapes of hair trauma; from Alopecia, to Trichotillomania (hair pulling), to hair loss from Chemotherapy, female pattern balding, Polysictic Disease, hypo/hyperthyroidism, and much more. She has defeated her disorder and is now focusing her free time on developing Canada’s first fully accredited hair extension/hair replacement academy. Check it out here: youarefierce/2014-diamond-recipients/
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:59:18 +0000

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