Tonight is the anniversary of my emergancy surgery 23yrs ago of a - TopicsExpress


Tonight is the anniversary of my emergancy surgery 23yrs ago of a cyst in my neck which I was dealing with for two months. The cyst would swell up and wrap completely aroumd my neck. At this time I was so sick of needle aspirations I wanted it out than. He sacrificed his christmas party to remove it. I am so grateful for than. Down side was I was not aloud to hold my son that was 2 months old at the time. After two more surgeries it seemed to disapear. Than yrs later it returned. I went up to Jefferson Hospital to a really good doctor that said he could remove it and had never had one come back. I chickened out. Keep in mind the roots had to be completely removed or it wiuld return. Didnt want to jinx him. I eventually had it out and had found out the roots were intertwined aroumd the main artery which when I asked him what if you slip and cut it. He replied that you can live with the one on the other side of the neck. Also the root wrapped around the tongue muscles and had about 60% chance of speech issues and minor paralysis. Also rare chance of it being a fast moving tupe of cancer. I am living proof it was not. Thank god. But I am also greatful that it was my sons pediatrician that aftet asking me two questions about it. Told me exactly what type of cyct it was.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:18:50 +0000

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