Tonight is the last night of my photography tour. In just a few - TopicsExpress


Tonight is the last night of my photography tour. In just a few weeks I have done over thirty shoots with 40,000+ images in four cities, experiencing so much and making so many connections I will never forget. I feel exhausted but I feel lit. My heart seems to beat faster in my chest and I almost feel like a different girl to the one who set off on this adventure. A little more open, a little more brave, a little more present, a lot more passionate. That is what travelling and new experiences are all about. Thank you deeply to everyone who assisted me, shared delicious food with me, photographed with me, let me sleep in their homes and inspired me wildly with conversations from the heart. Helping one another has been a total joy. Thank you especially to my should-be-family, who have loved and embraced Alba like their own and sent me streams of images of her playing with the kids and happy all day long while Ive worked. I couldnt have done it if I knew she was less than completely content. Grateful simply isnt a big enough word. Soon my little girl will be back in my arms and I will be covering her in kisses and telling her through tears how grateful I am to have her and how deeply I love her. Oh, my girl, my sunshine, I am crying even thinking about it. I will never fully understand how lucky I am. Soon comes the selects, the edits, the scripts for my series, my photography book, my novel, new blog posts. Productive nights and playful days, positivity in all the hard moments. I trust in life and wherever it is taking us next. Right now I dont know where that is, but I know it is all going to be okay, extraordinary even. Life, you are quite a piece of work.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:35:44 +0000

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