Tonight marks the 38th anniversary of the Lee Parish abduction. . - TopicsExpress


Tonight marks the 38th anniversary of the Lee Parish abduction. . . Jan. 26, 1977; Anchorage, KY Dogs barked while object was present. (Woodward) At 10:30 pm while the family was watching TV in various rooms, the window in the bedroom of Neil and William (10 and 8) became brightly illuminated from the outside. They went to the window (which had a thin sheet of clear plastic over it for warmth), and observed a large (twice as large as house by one account), bright yellow (hard to look at) object with a flattened underside and a humped or domed shape above. They heard no sound. Their mother joined them at the window and provided much of the information about this event. The object was estimated to be 75-100 feet in altitude and initially about 100 yards from the house. For 1-2 minutes it was relatively stationary and then moved slowly to the south until it reached a tree-line about 300 yards away, where it appeared to stop and disappear (wasn’t there anymore). No EM effects, no sound, no physiological effects were reported (although various electrical oddities were reported after the sighting—no connection could be established). Terrestrial lighting was reported. In the second event on February 2, the house lights reportedly dimmed (EM effect), causing the 10 year old to look outdoors, but very little information was given. Jan. 27, 1977; Prospect, KY 1:05 AM. A teenager spotted a rectangular, orange-red object coming down to near his jeep. His jeeps radio failed 15 seconds into the sighting. He felt compelled to watch the object, which stayed in the vicinity only a short time. Later under hypnosis, however, he related being taken inside the object and examined by three strange creatures who were shaped like machines. The electrical system on his jeep went haywire the day after the sighting. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 406, citing CUFOS; IUR,2,4) The January 26, 1977, sighting at Anchorage KY was found under the title “Another Kentucky Abduction” by Carla Ruekert, page 1. Copy of the article concerning a sighting with an animal reaction starts on page 4, bottom of the first column and is copied below: Another close encounter sighting took place less than three hours before the Parrish case, and is described here: Investigator: Burt L. Monroe, Jr., Chairman Department of Biology University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208 Participants: Louise Belmont (Mrs. Paul N.) (age 40) Neil Belmont (age 10) William Belmont (age 8) Date of sighting: 1-26-77, at about 10:30 p.m. Duration: about 3-5 minutes. By Burton Monroe, Phd APRO Consultant in Zoology On Tuesday, February 1st 1977, I received a telephone call from Neil Belmont, 10-year old son of Mrs. Louise Belmont and classmate of my elder son in the Anchorage Elementary School. On Monday, 31 January, a spectacular exploding meteorite over the Louisville metropolitan area had produced fragments that clattered upon and pierced rooftops in the region, and the publicity from this event stimulated the Belmonts to report their sighting to the head of the Planetarium at the University of Louisville; upon hearing the details, he referred the Belmonts to me. Having been previously informed by Investigator Don Elkins of the apparent abduction case in nearby Prospect, Kentucky, during that same night, I decided the Belmont sighting was worthy of followup. On Wednesday afternoon, February 2nd, one week after the sighting, I conducted the interview; most of the details were furnished by Mrs. Belmont. At approximately 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 26 January 1977, the two boys, Neil and William, ages 10 and 8 respectively, were in bed in their upstairs bedroom while Mrs. Belmont was watching television in an adjoining bedroom. A third (older) son was downstairs watching television and was unaware of the proceedings. The boys’ bedroom was suddenly brightly lit from outside. The two boys ran to the window and observed the object in the air just beyond the nearby trees. It was large (“twice as large as the house,” according to Neil), yellow and very bright, difficult to look at. Neil thought he saw reddish light near the top of the object, while the younger boy described reddish and greenish areas along the lateral edges. The object appeared to be flattened on the underside and humped or domed above; it was stationary or moving slightly at the time it was initially seen. Neil remained transfixed at the window, while William ran screaming for his mother to come. He dragged Mrs. Belmont to the window, who also perceived the object. She estimated that the object was just above the treeline (thus approximately 75-100 feet in the air) and about 100 yards from the house, still relatively stationary; an estimated one or possibly two minutes had elapsed between the initial observation by the boys and the appearance of Mrs. Belmont at the window. She described the color at that time as a “yellowish glow,” much like the moon; she likened the size to that of a “large airliner.” The object moved slowly away from the house in a southerly direction until it apparently reached a treeline about 300 yards from the house, where it hovered for a short time; it then “suddenly wasn’t there any more.” Total elapsed time of the sighting for Mrs. Belmont was estimated to be 2 to 3 minutes; it may have been longer, because she related that she had time to discuss with the boys matters such as her lack of understanding as to what it was, their inability to have any control as to what was going to happen (she told William in response to his concern that “it might come and get him” that it really was up to God as to what then transpired), and other related items. The investigation revealed one additional aspect of the sighting: Mrs. Belmont recalled that their dogs were barking throughout the event. There was no noticeable electrical effects, however, as lights and television remained normal (confirmed by Kelly, age 12, the older son watching TV downstairs). There have been several other electrical events (one television malfunctioned shortly thereafter, the electric dryer developed a burnt out motor, a 60-amp circuit breaker popped several times without apparent cause, and we experienced peculiar telephone interference during our initial conversation, although not subsequently), but I have been unable to establish any correlation of these with the UFO observation. The weather the night of the sighting was clear, calm and very cold, with a snow layer on the ground. The moon was one day short of first quarter and could not have been seen out the window in question (it faced southeast). Because of the cold weather, a sheet of transparent plastic had been attached over the window and thus produced a small amount of distortion, perhaps accounting for lack of details other than general shape as well as the slight variations in color noted. On the surface, the case is not particularly significant, although it is a multiple-witness sighting. However, the occurrence of an apparent abduction (Parish case at Prospect) two and one-half hours later but several air miles distant does add significance to the present sighting. In addition, two other factors are most relevant. First, during the investigation it was learned that Mrs. Belmont had experienced a prior close encounter. The date could not be recalled (some 15-20 years previously), but the sighting took place on Highway 711 in Virginia near the Powhatan-Chesterfield county line in western Virginia. Mrs. Belmont and her husband were driving through a wooded section when suddenly the woods lit up. They noted a large, cigar-shaped object moving over the woods, emitting an “unbelievable light.” The object was greenish on the outer edges and yellow centrally. The object was in motion although not rapidly moving, and was oriented horizontally; no secondary objects were noted. The sighting was reported at that time and subsequently investigated, although Mrs. Belmont could recall neither the investigator’s name nor the agency represented. Second, I received another call from the Belmonts late on the evening of the investigation (Wednesday, 2 February). At approximately 8:30 p.m., while the entire family was watching TV in the downstairs living room, the house lights dimmed. Neil rushed to the door and observed the same or a similar object passing rapidly past the house from north to south on the west side. No others observed the object. The dogs again were barking during the passage of the object. One further comment might be in order. There is apparently no connection between the meteorite explosion of 31 January and any of the UFO events. Fragments of the meteorite have been examined by experts at the University of Louisville and are apparently typical of such pieces.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:22:53 +0000

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