Tonight my fourth grade son reported that his class had a science - TopicsExpress


Tonight my fourth grade son reported that his class had a science lesson. At first, I was excited; for it was the first science lesson he ever mentioned having at his school. Finally, I thought to myself. Whatd you discuss? I asked him. Well, he said reluctantly, our teacher talked about the differences between the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, and human kingdom. Oh, I said, thats how she said it? Yeah, my son said in a disappointed tone, Ben tried to tell her that humans were part of the animal kingdom. What did she say? I asked. I didnt listen, he confessed, But I tried to tell her minerals arent a kingdom because theyre not living organisms and dont replicate their cells; but William said some do, and she didnt say anything. Well, I said searching for a silver lining, at least you got to talk about science a little.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:29:43 +0000

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