Tonight...reflections from a bad parent.....why wasnt there a - TopicsExpress


Tonight...reflections from a bad parent.....why wasnt there a manual developed to better guide us in the right direction? And another thought love isnt enough! In a society gone mad and lazy and violent and is NOT enough! It is not possible to teach and instill in my kids ALL the necessary things to survive in this craziness....I love my kids to pieces and I want he best for them of course. But do not misunderstand me....I dont want things to be easy for them. I want them to fail at things now where they are Still in the safety of my home! I want them to fail a lot! True growth and character is developed every time they must pick themselves back up! And in this horribly messed up world they need that perseverance and machismo. This world is not easy or for the faint at heart. But today as in everyday...I have failed them in some way.....not enough time with them, making other things more important, not being involved enough in their school, not enough consistency, blah, blah the list goes on and on. Parenting is not for the weak at heart. Today not enough parents ACTUALLY parent ! And the reasons why are numerous but the bottom line....parenting, I dont mean having children, I mean parenting is exhausting! It takes a tremendous amount of work that never ends. So some take the easy way out.... I get it, I do. But today and everyday , but especially today, the guilt of my everyday failures with my three blessings is weighing me down...amongst other burdens! Tomorrow I will do better, be better and continue to grow and improve. I will forever be a student. Tonight though my heart aches for all the things I do wrong and all the things I should be doing, but dont , or cant . Love is not enough . Thank The Lord that tomorrow is a new day and HIS mercies are new each day... I certainly need mercy...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:08:08 +0000

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