Tonight, the events of the last three and a half weeks are - TopicsExpress


Tonight, the events of the last three and a half weeks are tumbling through my mind. Almost like a video camera with scenes of the events coming into focus, playing for a bit, and then a shift of scenes brings in memories of other events. I remember so clearly standing in the bedroom when my tearful daughter called on Day 519, August 29th. Mom? Mom, we got our heart. At that moment, the earth shook.... Im certain of it. A whirlwind of images follow...waiting rooms with Zaks little brothers and cousins sleeping on the floor, delays as they found more recipients for precious gifts, overwhelming heartbreak and gratitude for the donor family. Zaks face as he was taken down for surgery... heartbreaking to see so much fear. Zak and his mom so connected as she seemingly willed the strength her second born son needed to believe he would be safe even when her own heart cried out in fear. Zaks father, desperately in need of care for his own battle with HCM, temporarily discharged from the hospital, to be with his son during transplant, weak but never complaining. Running to the entrance and watching them bring my grandsons whole future, his life, into the hospital in an ice chest. The earth shook again. Feeling helpless, thankful, and scared... Lots of feeling helpless. Waiting... No earth shaking now as Im sure time was standing still. A phone rang in the waiting room... FIRST HEARTBEAT 7:56 AM!!!!!! August 31, 2014...Day 521...Zak has a new heart. Fast forward to 11:01 PM on August 26, all is quiet. Zaks little brother, Sutton, is sleeping over, his Aunt Lali (he never could call her Carli and it stuck) is sleeping with my two little granddaughters, Zak is home, the world has continued revolving. Yet, my brain is still struggling to grasp the enormity of this, the reality of this, that this precious little boy has had a heart transplant.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 04:15:21 +0000

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