Tonight we will be reviewing the Biblical principles for settling - TopicsExpress


Tonight we will be reviewing the Biblical principles for settling disputes. We begin those principles in the devotional this morning. Disputes are a way of life because of our sin nature but can bring glory to God in the way we handle them. If you need a refresher or just want to be obedient not to neglect the gathering together of ourselves show up. Kim and I have been given the opportunity to be put on the witness stand for Christ as we face our first significant health test. Kim has been consulting with doctors and having various tests conducted over the past few weeks which has resulted in the conclusion that she needs to have some surgery next Thursday. A CAT scan on Friday together with some procedures done yesterday will reveal the scope of the surgery. She is expecting to be in the hospital for three or four days followed by two to three weeks of recovery. We appreciate your prayers and we know that, He performs what is appointed for me(us).... (Job 23:14). Let us keep Beckys mom in much prayer as she also walks through her health test. Becky also. Thank you John for calling and being available to help move the pews today. They should be gone by noon we hope. Anyone else that can help call this morning for the timing. Fresh from the Throne August 20 2014 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth. Isaiah 53:7 The story is told of Charles Spurgeon who was the best known pastor that lived in England around the turn of the 19th century. The newspapers were running several articles defaming his name and spreading all kinds of rumors about him. When asked to respond he simply said ..they only know the half of it. He had no need to defend himself or defame those who were running him down. His confidence was in the Lord and he put no confidence in his flesh. He knew what was possible in his flesh and if the newspapers wanted to tear down his reputation that was alright with him. He was a man that was looking to Christ and not to himself. The example of this man of God has greatly helped me over the years as others have chosen to accuse and assassinate my character. I remember several years ago sitting in a restaurant when an individual who simply could not forget or forgive some of the missteps I had done. After his barrage of pent up conclusions about my life were done I thanked him for sharing his thoughts, told him I had profited by it and we each went our way. What God had forgiven and forgotten this person was still struggling with. Who had the problem? In the church of Corinthians there were some warring factions of believers. Some were even wanting to take other brothers and sisters to court to settle their disputes. The Holy Spirit intervened with counsel from heaven that we need to be taught. Read these words carefully. Actually, then , it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded? The Lord is saying to each of us that sometimes it is better to be wronged then to parade our differences before an unsaved audience. Not only is it a poor testimony but takes energy that could be much better spent praying for one another and allowing the Holy Spirit to examine us to see what might be wrong in us. When Jesus walked among us he was constantly on the facebook of His day with negative and despairing remarks. He has a devil. He is a bastard. He is a false messiah. He speaks lies and blasphemies. What was His response. ..He did not open His a sheep that is silent before its shearers.. He knew who He was . He knew the work that He had come to accomplish. He did not allow petty remarks from ignorant people distract Him from being who he was. There is no better example for us then He when we also face such challenges. And let us all remember that He was perfect and without sin. Who of us can say that? For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and devour one another, take care lest you be consumed by one another. But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. (Galatians 5:14-16). Today we all have a choice. I can desire to be in the perfect will of God and bring glory to Him or I can choose to live in my flesh and stink the place up. Lets make the better choice to be an aroma of life to others. There is enough stench in the world already.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:37:18 +0000

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