Tonight we will be talking about the Ched Evans saga, which could - TopicsExpress


Tonight we will be talking about the Ched Evans saga, which could soon come to an end as he signs for Oldham AFC. We approached an Oldham AFC season ticket holder to give us their view. They opted not to but sent this letter which gives the whole saga another perspective from just a regular fan wanted to be proud of his team. Please read, share and tell us your thoughts below First off, I profoundly disagree with the decision of Latics to enter into negotiations with Ched Evans. Let alone offer the man a contract. I do, however, acknowledge the right of criminals to reintegrate into society. The law does not bar Evans from playing football and, to be honest, I dont think it should. This, I suppose is contradictory. It makes me a NIMBY of sorts, but I dont apologise for this. I just dont think it right to put Latics fans through this scenario again. Beyond that, the other thread provides numerous reasons as to why this weeks events are unacceptable to, I think, the majority of supporters. Like others, the last thing I wanted to do was have my commitment to watching Oldham Athletic play football tested in such a way. My initial instinct was to stop going. I can understand those who wont get past this. Two things have enabled me to move on a little. One is my son. Hes seventeen. He understands the issues and he objects strongly to what is happening. But going to Latics with his Dad is a central part of his life. He loves the club. He wants to keep going in spite of it all and he wants his Dad to be part of it. The other is the argument, put forward by many, that the entity that is Oldham Athletic AFC is bigger than any individual. Corney, Owen, Evans, Johnson and others are blots on a 120 year timeline that is more important than any of them ever could be. So I will be there on Saturday, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes me feel. A few words about some of the characters enabling this horrible situation to unfold: Lee Johnson gave a contract to Anton Rodgers. While son of Brendan was not guilty in trial his actions were pretty low. it seems fairly clear to me that our manager is not averse to Evans signing. Hes come out of it well in the media. But I dont believe for a second that he didnt want this signing to happen. Simon Corney, Id love to believe is doing this because he believes in the rehabilitation of offenders. He may be doing it for football reasons. Most likely he sees a profit further down the line. I fear the cost is already far greater than any future gain. Barry Owen. Ive met Barry a few times. I have no reason to dislike him personally. But he has form and by taking collective responsibility with the rest of the directors has singularly failed to take on board the views of the majority of Oldham Athletic supporters.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 08:12:42 +0000

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