Tonight, while celebrating the turning of the page to a new year, - TopicsExpress


Tonight, while celebrating the turning of the page to a new year, I am also celebrating my Re-rebirthday. On this night, twenty years ago in 1994, I was being wheeled into an operating room, facing a very uncertain future, yet very aware that I was being carried in the safe and strong arms of my loving Heavenly Father. While lying in the recovery room, in and out of deep sleep, I heard a voice say, This one is CA. This one = Connie. I understood that. I also understood that CA meant cancer. I was too doped up to panic. I had been prepared by the doctor before surgery that he was going to be removing a grapefruit sized tumor in my abdomen. The likelihood that it was cancer was high. But the possibility became absolute reality. A brand new chapter was beginning, and the end of the story was an unknown ... to me. I couldnt skip ahead and read the last few pages. I was on a course that would be a tool in the hands of my Father as He continued His work in my life. You see, He is the potter. I am the clay. And this life is the training ground for what is to come. This life and all of its experiences are the tools in His hands to chip away the impurities, to mold and shape the inner person preparing us for our forever home with God. I have often wondered why my Father touched and spared my life. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. It was serious business. I dont know why I am still here ... except that God has had a purpose in keeping me here, and only He knows what that purpose has been in its entirety. I do believe He has softened my heart over the years. He has revealed things to me about myself that have needed His correction and healing ... way beyond the physical. And beyond that, I dont know. I do know He takes the pains and sorrows of life to recreate in us something that He can call good. I am leaving that up to Him. On this Re-rebirthday, I am His. And He is mine. God bless you, dear friends and family, as we move into a new year ... held in His safe and strong arms.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:55:49 +0000

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