Tonight while taking my son from the car....he was knocked out but - TopicsExpress


Tonight while taking my son from the car....he was knocked out but in his sleep....he held on to me so tight..he began to pat my I do him when he is asleep....and I was moved to tears...I am just so thankful for the many blessings GOD has bestowed upon me... as I talked today to my former mother in law...I was reminded how much my life has changed since I started a new family...She was my best friend and I could talk to her about anything...and be me...I am so grateful that she has embraced my new husband and how he can also talk to her candidly about anything...she truly is my angel on earth...its crazy to think she is not my mother in law any more...but I am so so grateful for all the things she imparted in me...and how she continues to impart in my new family...GOD is truly good...and how I have a new mother in law who also trust and believe in GOD... I think of the days when Tre Baby was in the NICU...and I didnt think he was going to make it...and how my father in law...Daddy Leonard called every night and recited scriptures and sang to him...and encouraged us to believe he would come home...and now he is such a rambunctious child..and my father in law is gone...its still hard to accept...I thought he would be around for me to fuss at Tre Baby and tell him he better look to his Paw Paw..and be like him...sadly despite the times they had...Tre Baby will not even remember him...and will also never meet my father...that crushes me... I think of my husband now who I call my much he loves and adores me and all the sacrifices he make to make sure we have our needs met and our wants...and how he is my ride or die no matter what happen partner in life...that is a many women dont have that...I see it every single day I scroll on Facebook...and I dont ever want to take for granted the power of our love and the man of integrity GOD blessed me with... The world is a constant change...its a whirlwind..and riding it can make you dizzy, tired, discouraged and distressed...but you got to hold GOD...because he always come through...and in my case he has truly given me double for all my troubles... No matter where you are in life ...if you got are have more than you will ever need and want...its NOT ABOUT MATERIAL THINGS...those things come and go...its NOT ABOUT DOING BETTER THAN THE JONES...its loving and being loved by the ones GOD has blest to be in your life..whether that is 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons or even a dog...whoever GOD has blest to show you them love in return...and be so many...are not being loved today.... GOD knows I am so so glad I was not out working trying to make more money to buy things and would have missed my son...simply hugging me...and patting me on the back....and laying next to him hearing him breathe...seeing his angelic face....I am so blest that I was able to just relax with my husband today...and just enjoy the fact that this house has a king...that I am not lonely...or that I am not walking this journey called life all alone..that my body is not being given to this man or that man..but none of them being mines...that I carry his name...and I am his queen...thats enough for me...I dont need any more titles in this world...right now...I am suffice with just that.... As I watched over them both sleeping...It dawned on me one of the conditions I told my husband when I very first met him...I said when I go to sleep...your head better be on the side of mines...I thank GOD I have never wondered where my hubby was...and as for my son..since he hit this face is the first one he sees when he wakes up and the last one he sees when he falls to sleep...I feel blest in that...that they are here safe....GOD is truly good...and worthy to be praised...I could go on and on and on.. but I just want to thank GOD for the king and prince he gave me...and entrusted in me to take care of... thank you JESUS!!!... Be content...and be blest Facebookers...good night... I googled Nothing more important than share a picture with you to drive home my point,,but ran across this blog instead..that really summed up the exact thing I was saying....its old...but the message is still real... mommysrambles.blogspot/2013/06/nothing-is-more-important-than-family.html
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 03:24:39 +0000

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