Tonights Iraqi Freedom. I know......I forgot last nights. Heres - TopicsExpress


Tonights Iraqi Freedom. I know......I forgot last nights. Heres April 1 and 2. were getting closer and closer to ACTUALLY being in Iraq :-/ Enjoy 1 APR 2003 TUE HEY! We got demobilized! April fools! We went to One-Stop today to try and get a place ticket but the woman who does it wasn’t there. Okay, so the war stops because a civilian isn’t working that day! After we left there we went back to the barracks and went to lunch at the NICE chow hall on Eisenhower. It’s a really nice chow hall. It’s along the same lines as the chow hall up at the NCO academy on Ft. Leonardwood. I miss that place. That was an awesome mission!!! After chow, Delany let Ambler S. and I borrow his Dodge Ram so we could go to Wally Word and get a new case for my camcorder and Gameboy. Talked to mom and dad this morning and talked to Marcia quite a bit today. Went out later and got three more games for the Gameboy at a second hand store. Later on in the evening Ambler, S., Delany, and I went down and had dinner at Texas Road House with Burgess and his wife. I like that place. You can just throw your peanut shells all over the floor. Went back to the barracks and crashed. Good Night! 2 APR 2003 WED Got up at 0730 and put my clothes in the drier from the night before. I packed some more of my crap. It was kind of nice walking around the barracks in a t-shirt and boxer briefs. No one else is in my building. I finely got my clothes dry and changed into uniform then I got flak from SFC Spencer (dork) for getting ready late. Hmmm, let’s see, this is my last morning in country. I could really give one shit about getting up late. Big deal. We had some E-4 who was really cool take us down to One-Stop so we could out-process and get done whatever we needed to do. When we got there, some E-8 asked us if we had our masks, well…no. Ours is in Kuwait with our unit. He told us we couldn’t fly without them so now we had to go to CIF (Central Issue Facility) to get a mask hand receipted to me. I can tell you right now that it’s going to be a field loss because the second I’m getting in country, it’s getting mailed home. I don’t need two of them over there. I’m going to have so much extra crap at home! I finely got to CIF and got my mask issued, got back to One-Stop at 1030hrs and was out of there by noon. Not too bad! OFF TO THE AIRPORT! We got to the airport with plenty of time left and got our stuff checked in and relaxed a little. We went to go through security and she saw something in my helmet bag that caught her attention. So they pull it aside and ask what I have in it. I tell her everything and she starts describing what she saw. It’s my Gerber that I wear on my uniform. She goes digging for it. Now by the time I’ve been through all this and she finds it, I now have 18 minutes to make it to my plane. Not the gate….on the plane. She found it and told me that I can’t take that on the plane. TO IRAQ. So I have to take it and put it on my check-in luggage. A TSA supervisor comes over and tells me he’ll hold it and go drop my stuff at the gate. I ran down and dropped my stuff off with Ambler, S. and ran back to the x-ray machines where the TSA supervisor took me to the ticket counter so I could put it in my check-in. She informed me that it was too late, our bags were already on the place. I knew that. So now I need to mail it home or lose it. He took me to a little postal counter where I wrote my address down, gave the TSA supervisor $5.00 and told him to keep the change. By this time I had eight minutes to get ON the plane. I did a dead sprint through the airport to get to my gate. Halfway there they paged me to my gate. Now it’s time to pull a little extra out. It was a good thing the TSA supervisor helped me out. I’d have missed my flight. When we got to Atlanta, we had enough time to use the bathroom, get from our gate to the next gate and sit down on the plane. I’ll tell you what, Delta is a lot nicer than Southwestern. We got to Baltimore. Big Airport! We had to go down and find our luggage. Then we had to rent a cart to hull all of Ambler, S.’s stuff around. Two dollars well spent! She had three duffle bags, a rucksack, and a helmet bag as a carry-on. We pulled into Maryland a little after 1900 and our international flight was leaving at 2010. No time. We finely found the ticket counter, got our tickets and found out the flight was postponed until 0310. GOD! Well, I called Marcia and talked to her for a while. I had to wait until 2215 to call mom and dad but I got to talk to both of them. I’m glad I got to say my last good byes and I love yous before I left. We had plenty of time to kill so I bought a word puzzle book and did a few of those. Then I took a small nap before my flight.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:00:15 +0000

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