Tonights School Board meeting: Part 2: Streaming Board - TopicsExpress


Tonights School Board meeting: Part 2: Streaming Board meetings, Curriculum Budget and District Office Renovation First let me do the Curriculum Budget as this was scheduled to go first, but they had some technical difficulties (You have to love that irony) Not much to say here except NO INCREASE. Dr Burke-Stevenson has her budget down to the tee. She is a woman after my own heart. She knew were each dollar was going and how to stretch that dollar to its fullest. Here presentation was as expected full of detail. She shows how each years expeditures back to 2009/10 for the items. Now she didnt break these down the expeditures individually like the special ed department, but to me this was a presentation I preferred. Here is the link: Hard to argue when someone come to a budget meeting and says NO INCREASE. I did have one question that wasnt asked, answered or even mentioned. Maybe I am just thinking Dr Burke-Stevenson would have been the right person to ask and that isnt correct. I dont know, but my question was: I dont see any increase in staff development. WHY NOT? On the surface that seems silly, but if the board approves the DiLE program will we not need a TON of teacher training and developing a new curriculum based on using the technology? This scares me. As I have been a big supporter of the DiLE program, but yet to see any background support system to show how it will be implemented with proper training. How will the curriculum change? I would expect the curriculum would change dramatically or why spend the money. Just questions I would like to hear answered. The idea is FANTASTIC (incorporating the Ipad/Laptop into the classroom). But you have to have the background support as well, along with, a great plan in place. There is a lot of questions yet to be answered that are NOT being asked to this point. The money is only one part. When will we see the other pieces needed to make this a success? Is the school board doing these discussions in other meetings. I dont know, but eventually they need to be asked. Well on to the other two topics: Streaming and District Renovations. Streaming/Board Docs: It was stated that the cost will be roughly around $1000 per meeting to have a live stream. If I am wrong please someone point the correct number out, since the board was given a document with costs and not the public. Seriously, $1000 per meeting. If that is the case forget about it. I would think the meeting could be taped, edited and put on the schools website for all to see for much less then $1000 per meeting. Yes, equipment would have to be purchased and yes someone is going to have to be in charge of taping, editing and putting the meetings on the website. Would be some great experience for a high school student dont you think? It was stated that many schools tape the board meetings and then offer ways to see them for the community, but none that are live. Many reasons why not live as Ms Feola pointed out. I do hope the district and board fines a way to get the meetings podcasted for all to see when they are able to. I believe you would have way more then 2 people watching the video when available. But that is my belief. District Renovations: It was explained what renovations are needed and that it will cost approx. $450,000. This is much needed via the slides that were shown tonight. The District offices are in disrepair and need some love. The High School renovation has already included this in the budget, but has to my knowledge never been show until today. The only issue I have is the overall cost dont sound right. I dont know this to be incorrect, but I would think that creating a non-water fire extinguish temperature controlled server room would be more expensive then carpets. I dont know the size of the building, but $109,000 for floors and $25,000 to paint sounded expensive to me. I also dont understand the need for a secure vestibul for the administration. I thought we needed this to protect our students. The secure vestibule for the entrances to the High School are a requirement in my opinion, but do we really need this for every office in the district? Just seems going over the top, but again that might just be me.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:10:57 +0000

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