Tonights meditation took a different turn. I channeled Krishna & - TopicsExpress


Tonights meditation took a different turn. I channeled Krishna & found myself in a cemetery staring at my own grave. As I stood there entranced a crow landed on my shoulder. The crow spoke in my ear telling me that he was a spirit guide sent to me as a protector & that I should adopt him as my new animality. I quickly observed that I could see what the crow saw telepathically. The crow told me to fly away from my past & be reborn from the grave. I began to transform into the visage of a crow & took flight into the night sky. In the night sky Krishna guided my flight & spoke to me as a father would speak to a child. He spoke with love & told me that it was time that I spread my wings & flew on my own. The crow then spoke to me in my mind & informed me that a teacher can only show you the door but you have to decide for yourself the direction you will take. A man can be both spirit & flesh, there are enough people who are both. The important thing is to have heart in all that you do. That is the only thing worthwhile. A man can only be fully in the spirit world upon death. Most fear death but the greater fear is that of losing your soul. This is a fear common among those that have no heart nor do they know the spirit. Take flight brothers & sisters & be free like the crow flies. Be in the world but not of it & be spirit but do not forget that you are men & women until the time that God calls you home. You must remain in this world & the Earth with your loved ones who need you & those whom you shall meet to give them love. This is the path of heart & the true path of Dharma in Christ Consciousness. After your mission is done here then you will go home to Heaven. Until then live & love with passion in all that you do & with all that you know. Love thy neighbor & thine enemy for it has been said that only God shall judge & you are divinity created in His image. Be Christ like & more. Channel your own Krishna or Vishnu or Virgin Mary & all of the saints in the Heavens & in your heart & be spirit & love now & forever. Aum, Peace, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:01:53 +0000

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