Tonks woke up in the middle of the night to find Remus’s side of - TopicsExpress


Tonks woke up in the middle of the night to find Remus’s side of the bed empty. Her reflex thought in such dark times was that something had happened. It took a few moments for her to notice the faint light streaming into the room through the door from across the hall. She felt a bit bad for her husband. Over the past few days he’d never bothered waking her up if Teddy had started to cry. He would go and tend to him on his own. Tonks felt she should let him take some time off the graveyard shift and allow him to catch up on some much needed sleep. She started making her way towards her son’s room when she heard Remus speaking to his son. Overcome with curiosity she stood hidden outside the room eavesdropping on father and son. “So last night I told you how your Uncles Sirius, James and Peter could all turn into animals. How I wish they could’ve met you. How I wish I could find Peter now. Even after everything he’s done I hope to see him at least once,” Remus spoke. “I saw him play with your Godfather when he was born. His eyes showed genuine love for the baby. He loved your Aunt Lily who was always there for him. He always took care of me after my monthly furry problems. Sometime I regret letting my emotions get the better of me when we finally cornered him. We never got the chance to ask him why he’d done it. Maybe they tortured him or maybe they threatened him with his mother’s life. Anyways, I’m not supposed to depress you when trying to make you stop crying.” “You should’ve seen us though, son,” Remus continued. “The four of us were like brothers in a family of misfits. Nothing could ever come between us or so we thought. Padfoot with his bigotry stricken family, me with my sick widower father barely managing to scrape a living because he and his wife had literally spent all their family fortunes and life savings on trying to cure my affliction, Peter with his single mother who struggled between a muggle night job and a day job at Diagon Alley to put her son through Hogwarts. James perhaps was the only one with a normal life or an abnormal one considering how almost everyone had problems similar to ours. Yet we all came together and sort of unknowingly latched on to one another for subtle emotional support.” “I guess that’s why Prongs became a sort of ringleader in our band of misfits. Most idiots thought we hero worshiped him and followed him around but I guess the reality was that he was the only source of stability in our conflicted lives.” “That’s why I chose Harry to be your Godfather. Had Prongs been alive I’d have chosen him. I see so much of James in Harry. The way he walks, the way he speaks, the way he plays Quidditch. Even his choice of friends. Ron is probably the mixture of all of us really. He has my financial problems, Peter’s confidence problems and Sirius’s problem with following rules. This might make Hermione blow up like Molly but her brilliance reminds me of Sirius sometimes. Oh your Uncle Padfoot was brilliant. You don’t just become an Animagus just like that. He was one of the most fantastic wizards of our time. If only he applied himself like Hermione does. But there is also a lot of Lily in Harry too. Lily would’ve forgiven Peter like Harry had, Lily would’ve shouted at me just like Harry did when I so foolishly stumbled into Grimmauld Place offering to help.” “I miss them so much Teddy. I feel so scared for you and your mother sometimes. I couldn’t protect my father or James and Lily or Sirius. God! Sirius died in front of my eyes. I should’ve been fighting by his side. But I never thought he could lose. He was Sirius Black. The man who mastered the art of Animagi by the age of 15. The most brilliant minded person I ever met. My best friend. He could never lose, but he did and for a while I was so angry at him for it. He left me alone. I was alone. I’d been alone since the first war had ended but I’d gotten Sirius back and I knew Pete was alive.” “This loneliness was far more different though. It was like a cruel joke by fate. I got a whiff of happiness and it was snatched away. Sirius was gone and now Harry tells me Peter died because he felt a hesitation to kill Harry. There was something in his heart that caused that hesitation. There was some of my childhood friend left in him.” “I was in a dark place after your Uncle Padfoot had passed away, but your mother saved me. I was a fool though and despite being a Gryffindor I was afraid. I couldn’t go through getting close to someone else only to have them ripped away from me. But she’s a stubborn one your mother is. Maybe it’s the Hufflepuff in her that just has to help a lost cause like me. She saved me son and she gave me the greatest gift of all time. You!” “Now you’ve been asleep for quite a while so I know you can’t hear me but I swear to you I will protect you and your mother to my dying breath. I won’t let anything happen to either one of you. I won’t lose anyone else. I love you, Teddy.” Tonks wiped her eyes slightly and sneaked back into bed while Remus tucked Teddy in the crib. She understood Remus. She knew he kept his emotions locked inside and didn’t discuss his feelings. She loved how he would talk to their son like this and didn’t want him to be embarrassed by it. She quietly snuck under the covers and felt asleep a little while after Remus returned. Out on the other side of the country Harry Potter, his two best friends and a goblin had just left Bill Weasley’s home to kick start events that would change everything forever. ~Padfoot. Id started typing intending for just one paragraph of some random funny Marauders incident. Five minutes later I had this.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:53:56 +0000

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