Tony Abbott & The Coalition Government - Exposed. February 14 - TopicsExpress


Tony Abbott & The Coalition Government - Exposed. February 14 · Just as happened in the USA the Hockey and Conservative Govt are preparing to the fleece the Taxpayers of Australia of their own public assets with a Shell Game Con Job in 4 easy easy steps. #Auspol #Ausvotes Every economist can explain how its done. Like the pea under the shell, just Follow the Money. Upward wealth redistribution is really what selling off Public Assets is, Hockey will Socialise the Cost and Privatise the Profit. Here is how it is done. 1. We the taxpayers currently own these Revenue Positive Assets. 2. These assets will be sold at bargain basement prices to the already wealthy to fix an imaginary budget emergency. 3. End result is what was once owned by the public is now owned by the 85 Billionaires who already own half the planets wealth. 4. And we the public get charged more and more to use the assets we once owned. Socialise the Cost and Privatise the Profit. Redistribute the wealth upwards, while redistributing the costs downwards. Hockey and his Conservative cronies are all in on the Con Job, they should be arrested and thrown in Gaol. Page Comments; Christopher Carr
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 00:48:10 +0000

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