Tony Abbott and his Evil Government Denmor, interesting that in - TopicsExpress


Tony Abbott and his Evil Government Denmor, interesting that in a thread dedicated to denigrating those you label as left you cite the views of Andrew Bolt as if he is some kind of moral authority. Youve either forgotten or dismissed the fact that this is the same fellow found to have contravened Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act via comments he published about Aborigines! As for the hate thing; how does this list sound to you? . That rotten, grossly unfair 2014 budget which declared war on the poor and vulnerable. . Slashing the overseas aid budget; widening the war on the poor and vulnerable. . Ill shirtfront Putin! . Denigrating people on welfare as leaners and loafers. . Publicly declaring that Julia Gillards father would have died of shame ..... . Stating that were at war with asylum seekers, theyre illegals. . Stating that were at war with Islamic terrorists - theyre death cults. . Stating that women iron shirts and manage household budgets. . Abbotts kangaroo courts targeting Peter Slipper and Craig Thompson. . Using a QC to escape conviction from an assault charge laid by Barbara Ramjan. . That verbal abuse of Bernie Banton during his final days on Earth. . The wrongful incarceration of Pauline Hanson. . Using global forums to denigrate Labors performance throughout the GFC. . Doubling the number of women in Cabinet from one to two. . . And the list just goes on and on! The man who coined the language has become the butt of some of it; well, Boo-hoo!. Justis, there are even greater polls than those published in our media; the article below sums it up - the judgement of experienced, distinguished diplomats and history! History has already concluded that John Howards governments were the most profligate in our history; transferring wealth from those in need to those who revel in greed. Ever since his rotten budget full of broken promises, its apparent that Tony Abbott is on a mission to further concentrate wealth into the grubby hands of our wealthy elite. The evidence such as his restoration of Knights and Dames and Joe Hockeys MYEFO declaration on pp116-7 announcing the termination of the pursuit of tax avoidance by big players is overwhelming! Abbotts pre-occupation with self-promotion and personal survival have created a government characterised by secrecy, denial, manic control and wars on everything! In the words of former senior diplomat and distinguished author, Bruce Grant: I have been wondering lately why, after a lifetime of watching political leaders, national and international, I do not trust Tony Abbott, ... .. Abbotts public imprint is of a political leader of the past, not the future. .. OXY, Tony Abbott is the one who built his political career on obsessively pick, pick, picking all day. Abbott thereby earned the title as our most destructively negative Opposition Leader in history and that despite the massive threat posed by the GFC. As PM hes gone on to even trash Australias record throughout the GFC under Labor in London and New York; thereby casting aside more than a century of bi-partisan precedent! All Ive done is to model Abbotts behaviour; exposing the failings, faults and frauds perpetrated by his rotten government. Unlike Abbott though, I neither deny data nor misrepresent it. And nor am I alone; for late in 2014 the chorus was inspired by Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsen! Falcons09, theres nothing honourable about Tony Abbott; hes even indicated his intention to remain as PM regardless as to how bad he rates in the polls - as if we didnt already know: Rickh, and theres that denial thingy at work again! Tony Abbotts great big broken promises may be lost on you but they are a source of dismay and anger amongst mainstream Australians - thats what opinion polling tells us! But even Alan Jones has lamented the angry pub talk protesting Tony Abbotts shocking and secretive FTA with China; wherein Chinese companies will be able to sue future Australian governments for policy changes they make. Australians did not give Abbott permission to sell Australia down the sewer so he could beat his chest about a FTA with China. As for fixing the mess; as of September 2013 Credit Suisse found Australians to be the wealthiest people on Earth, our economy was AAA rated for the first time in history and despite the GFC our economic KPIs earned Australia the title as having the OECDs strongest performing economy. The mess is what Abbott is now creating through his ideologically inspired and hateful war against the poor and the vulnerable. Rickh, Tony Abbott was NOT elected to transfer wealth from the needy and to redirect it our privileged elite. Nor was he elected to make Cuts! Cuts! Cuts - indeed he was elected because HE promised NOT to do so. Abbotts great big election promises essentially meant that he was given a mandate to do NOTHING! But hes gone on to even break promises such as calm government, a DD if the Senate proved obstructionist etc. Small wonder former senior diplomat, Bruce Grant, was driven to write: I have been wondering lately why, after a lifetime of watching political leaders, national and international, I do not trust Tony Abbott ... Justis; Tony Abbotts use of language that denigrates and demonises groups such as asylum seekers, the unemployed, those on welfare benefits, unionists, dissenting MPs in his own party and of course Labor MPs is considered and inescapably deliberate. It defines Abbotts targeted program of directing hatred towards his political enemies and those his worship of British aristocracy causes him to loathe - the poor and the vulnerable. In stark contrast to that, Abbotts use of self-promoting language including the perpetration of myths, mantras, slogans and brazen lies has come to define his deceptive and delusional behaviour. But Australians have already woken up to the real Tony Abbott, explaining why he rates so poorly on matters such as trust:
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:42:15 +0000

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