Tony Blair eulogised the autocratic dictator King Abdullah, one of - TopicsExpress


Tony Blair eulogised the autocratic dictator King Abdullah, one of the worlds richest monarchs. Although he made the Taliban look like liberals and he had a taste for beheading to rival that of ISIS, he supported the ambitions of Bush and his poodle Blair in the Iraq war. Blair brought euphemism to a new high when interviewed by BBC Television News.He said that the beheadings and torture in Saudi Arabia were uncomfortable. I imagine they were, but not for Teflon Tony of course. Building snowmen or driving a car without a penis are criminal offences in Saudi Arabia as is any criticism of the regime. Raif Badawi has been the centre of a worldwide campaign after being sentenced to a thousand lashes for speaking his mind. Uncomfortable, Mr Blair? The beheadings take place in public and some victims are provided with painkillers beforehand. A woman accused of killing her daughter was beheaded without the aid of painkillers so she was able to protest her innocence to the end. Uncomfortable, Mr Blair?
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:07:00 +0000

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