Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, November 12, 2014. DC - TopicsExpress


Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, November 12, 2014. DC has a lot of information and we need to jump in now! IT’s a very interesting day today, on pins and needles because it is so close. Today callers get exactly one question and then we will move on, see how much information we will get out of DC today. Concentrate on your own question and make sure that it hasn’t already been asked and answered. DC, you could barely sleep last night… DC: I get phone calls about ‘what are you going to say, better not talk about that”. Iraq is more of the same as it was on Monday and last Friday. Parliament is doing a ton of work for the betterment of Iraq, minor stuff on the Budget, HCL, etc. dealing with ISIL. The Sunnis, Kurds and Shi’as are all realizing that Abadi and his team are trying to be as inclusive as possible and getting things done. It continues to do very well, building a must more inclusive government and having everyone lean in to getting this thing done. ISIL: a few more wins on our side, which is great. There is growing frustration spilling over onto the news, “why don’t you do the three zeros” by a lot of folks. There is a growing chorus on the streets and acknowledged by politicians that this is causing problems and it needs to get done. We need that pressure applied to those using excuses after excuses. That pressure is getting very pointed at the CBI and the PM’s office, and that is definitely happening. Tony: They took back the town and oil refinery north of Iraq. The PM is live on television supporting the RV and asking the CBI why it hasn’t been done yet. This is the personal part. I got a request from someone in Iraq NOT to do Twitter. They are clearly listening to our calls, and they are saying the Twitter campaign might not be such a good idea right now because it might look like Western influence, which they don’t want and we don’t want. They don’t think this is a good time for us to do that. We definitely don’t want to look like we are influencing their citizens over there, because that’s not our job. Also, people are asking them to pay their bills and live up to their agreements. DC: A lot of businesses and governments across the world are saying, “You said we would be paid and we haven’t been!” They are saying “Enough is enough – you need to pay our bill or we will start causing trouble”. Again, that is more pressure to get this done. In the good old USA, the UN folks are just fit to be tied that this still hasn’t gone on yet, and that it’s still there. There are meetings at the g20 about this, and most are confidential, in the background, saying “What the hell, guys?” They are pulling the US off the side, saying, “You’re looking like a moron here”. Again, that applies more pressure, which is what we want. In Washington, there is a lot more encouragement by the House and Senate, telling them to stop messing around and get this done. The administration is working with the BIS to release this to the general public, that they’ve exchanged enough people and to get this moving. The banks have exchanged more people and the pace has increased a little. That is continuing today, and that is a concern for everyone. The cynical ones have said they have got away with it before, but others are saying it’s not right, and they need to open it up to the general public. It is live throughout the world, but not to the general public here or in Iraq. The bankers signed up for four days, and now it’s day 10-11, and that is causing a lot of consternation back and forth. Also, there is concern about what happens when documents start getting leaked. IN theory, security has this locked up, but I’m telling you about it, and others will as well depending on when this goes through. Again, this adds to the tension, and they are right to be worried because of their reputation, potential embarrassment and legal issues as more information gets out. So there is a lot of pressure to get this done. Tony: So you are saying that people are being paid the same rates as before… And when you are saying you don’t want to be a provocateur, you mean “take me off the list!” They have increased the number of people they are exchanging, starting at 7am until 11pm. They did pay people yesterday and Monday, and I just got off the phone from someone who just got scheduled for their appointments. There are several NDAs out there, and the NDA is according to your rate – five pages up to 14 pages, according to your rates, opportunities, etc. So be prepared to make some decisions. We talked to Iraq this morning, and they said they have done everything they were supposed to do. They give us something else to do, we do it immediately, and still nothing happens. This is from people directly involved, and they see people getting mad every day. DC: Anyone who is not hearing that is not listening. The Iraqis are getting really pissed, and we are hearing that from eight different countries. Tony: It’s not every bank doing this – none of the tier 2 banks are participating at this time. It’s still good that the banks are doing something, and they cannot keep it a secret. They have to be smart enough to be doing this because they belief this thing will go through…. DC: Let’s talk common sense in terms of keeping information tight. It’s been two weeks of this BS – how can they keep it quiet?! First a quick story about how quickly things can get out of hand. One of the first secret briefings I had scared the hell out of me. My boss told me to go to a meeting tor some top-secret stuff they needed to work out in the next hour. I was working on theoretical stuff, and this bunch scared the hell out of me. The top-secret guys really take this secrecy seriously. So we go to this building that has a ‘skiff’ or classified area swept for bugs, prevents eavesdropping, with active electronic jamming and a series of armed guards, pat-downs and electronic wanding, well beyond the normal security checks. I walk in and there is a bunch of guys with guns. I didn’t know what was going on. We then went into this room and were read the riot act about going to jail if we saying anything to anyone, without even a military tribunal. Basically, they can come get you and leave you in a hole somewhere indefinitely. They then gave me the brief about planning the Iraqi war; they wanted my help along with 4-5 others, and we were set up for a whole year’s worth of work after that. This was right before lunch, and afterwards we had to go back through the security boxes, and then I went to the break room for lunch. I looked up, and CNN was on the television talking about the very topic I’d just signed my life away on! Even the most secret information gets out so fast…! There is a joke in intelligence agencies that the fastest way to disseminate information is to mark it TOP SECRET. Plus disclosure is logarithmic. The information will get out. They have pushed this pretty darn far, and yes, some arrogant jerks think they can continue to push it, but everyone else is saying, “what possible gain comes from delaying this any further?” Tony: We are living this every day. We’ve all be threatened every day, and we still get phone calls, times and documents. Good people will still do what’s right. When they see something wrong being done to the mass of people, they are willing to pay the price to do what’s right. Hopefully the backlash will be so strong that they will say, “You can’t do that” to the whistleblowers. You cannot prosecute everyone for doing the right thing. It’s one thing when it happens inside their little circle, but when it spills out onto the street, it will be handled a different way. These are smart people, and they can only do this for so long before they have to respect ‘the people’, who have more power and authority than anyone. That’s why people need to stay calm; it cannot go on forever. If they keep messing with us, what do they expect will happen? 832 caller: Concerning trusts… when it comes down to taxes, can you give a numerical example of what taxes you will pay with a trust? DC: We are not tax or financial advisers, but can give our own thoughts and opinions. I have most of my dinar in trusts and 401ks. On the trusts, there are many different kinds, and only a good estate attorney can tell you what suits your needs. I prefer the old trusts that have been shored up by years of legislations and trials. A lot of ‘defective trusts’ are the best, because they don’t shield taxes. They are pass through structures, and the taxes go on your tax return like personal taxes. Whatever the tax rate might be, max 44% in Texas, that’s what it will be for you. I am counting on 44% tax in Texas on income generated from exchanges, regardless of trust or otherwise. Does that help you at all? 954 caller: You mentioned about Sterling paying for reserves; how do I do that? Tony: Go to Sterling’s site, and put in a sell order to sell enough dinar to pay off your reserves. It’s the simplest thing to do. 828 caller: My question concerns the small group of people who seem able to stop this going through. They don’t seem to care about DinarLand. Other than exposing them (not by you guys, necessarily), what is going to make they back off from getting in the way this time? DC: Pressure from international groups, public awareness, legal pressure, possible corruption charges, pressure from the fight against ISIL going to shoot because it hasn’t been funded properly, pressure from their own superiors… I think that pressure is being cranked up now, higher than hell, and I see no relief valve. Tony: At that point, it is not our position to try to force our government to do the RV, even thought we believe they are the ones holding it back. We don’t know everything, although we suspect some of the reasons they don’t’ want to do it are personal. If we were attempt to do that, WE become the target, not you. We are already targets, but that’s okay because we are doing it on our side. We have to wait for those other countries to say “enough is enough”, because those people as a group are the only ones in the meetings, they know everything, and they can take the heat. Our only time to be public is if WE are being treated unfairly once the process goes live. We know the banks, locations, rates, NDAs and all the rest. So we will know how fairly we will are being treated as opposed to anyone else. That’s where our fight lies, which we hope not to have. We can put the pressure out there, say what’s going on, but don’t know if that will open it up to us or not. They might pay more of us through that, but we want the entire global event to happen. We want all the currencies to be exchanged at the rates we expect, and that will only happen when the entire RV is announced. That’s why we are NOT going what some are asking us to do. Right now is not the right time. 650 caller: I can see many of the reasons for doing friends+family for the practice, for the pre-season, so when we kick off it’s not the first time they’ve been to the rodeo. Tony, it felt like we were listening to you in June – do you feel like your concerns got heard and something is moving, or are we still in limbo, and do we need a group still? Tony: They said that internet dinarians can be a group, and that would dampen the back-lash. I thought that would be okay, because my loyalty is to all of you. I could live with our being a group, because we were going through it every day. Even here today, we are still hearing… just before this call I got a call from some people who had to form a group to go through, and the banks did that for them. I know there are also plans for ordinary people to walk off the street, and also a plan for us to do it. But these people today were not on the bank’s favored customers list. Some people are trying to work it that way, and I know there is still a plan. The tier 2 banks have chosen not to do this, and some of the tier1 banks aren’t doing this yet either. There is a still a plan that we are checking every day; the moment that gets wiped off the computer, enough people we will tell us and we will know what to do. They keep saying this weekend, but they keep giving them another 48 hours, and I cannot apply that pressure to them. Right now we have a choice, something else is being done that I don’t want to do anything about, because it doesn’t affect us. We are still part of the process. 832 caller: They have paid out too many people to stuff this genie back into the bottle. Iraq needs this, too! So when do the other leaders say “enough is enough” and make this happen?! DC: That argument is going on constantly and the pressure is building up in a wonderful way. The process has got more stringent in the delays they will tolerate. The US was throwing up crap all through the spring and summer, they continued to move the goal posts, and now the other parties will not allow this BS any longer. The US is under incredible pressure not to delay any longer. This administration only has two years to do, and the final nine months will not count. They are constantly worried about the real effect on their overall plans. Let’s say they blow it up today, and it gets them 1-3 days delay. What do they gain by that?! They have a bit of nit-picking they can still do, but that doesn’t help them in any way. Caller: I know there is a lot we don’t know, but we’ve been hearing fro months that the box is getting tighter and tighter. At what point does someone let it go?Tony: They have two options right now – either the Iraqi people will cause such an uproar, the GOI and the CBI will let it go. Otherwise, the other countries being harmed by this will do the same, and they will deal with the fallout afterwards. Those are the only two real pressure points that can cause this to happen. Our government is saying “We don’t believe you will do that, so we’ll keep doing this until we are satisfied.” The only way we can apply pressure or cause an uproar like we did before is because everyone was being paid and everyone was ready. Now they are not paying them at the same numbers, although we do know how many are going through. If it gets too much, we’ll do what we have to do. Please trust us that when we fell it’s the time, we will do whatever’s required. Caller: [Appreciation] and thanks on behalf of the Iraqi people, too. DC: The fact that we are giving out all these details tells the banks know that this info is getting out, despite what they think and belief. We have documents, phone calls and people ready to testify. That applies pressure in itself. If they think they can hide this, they can’t! This is happening to all the banks, BIS, UST, and in Iraq. The information is pouring out, and by our telling everybody what is going on is adding to the pressure. Some people are seeing us as minions and peons, and that our voice doesn’t count, but by us telling everyone all these details, it is applying pressure. It’s not twitter, but the more information we give out, the better the banks understand the risks to their reputations, the more politicians get nervous, and the more the Iraqi Parliament and CBi understand that they look bad that this is happening while they are doing nothing to push this along. Tony: I really appreciate all the letters from the Congress people and especially from the banks that said they would never deal with dong or dinar, but you have enclosed your receipts. People have sent me personal books they have written themselves, and I got a few offers from writers wanting me to help them write books. They are getting their own information, and I hope I never have to write a book! 407 caller: I think if we remember how the President was after the midterms, and we see the delays… Are any banks in central Florida doing exchanges? Tony/DC: Yes, more than one. The President’s speech after the election, where he said, “Those of you who voted, I hear you; those who didn’t vote, I hear you.” That is saying that actions count are well as votes. They miscalculated, and things didn’t go as planned. That’s when you hear from the people. DC: Without defending anyone, the President is not really the problem. It’s a lot of the folks he delegated, and who advised him, those are the problem. He has been supportive over all, but there have been interpretation issues going on. He has told them to move forward, and they say, “Well, I think the President meant this”, and they have intentionally delayed matters, but not under direct authority of the President. Tony: We are telling both sides of the story here. 404 caller: Based on today’s information, how likely is it we will have a call on Friday? DC: It’s a toss-up, 50/50, even being as cynical as we have to be at this point. Tony: We are not scheduled to have one on Friday, or not this type of call. We’ll see what happens. Caller: We are looking forward to exchanging, not cashing out. 618: This was my idea, and that was not my question. What is your opinion of depositing your currency into a foreign bank like DeutscheBank or HBSC, and transferring it to an foreign currency account, and exchanging as and when you need it. DC: I’ve been looking into that myself, but I believe it will not be allowed. I am told that you will have to pay your taxes right away. The advantages is that you make interest instead of paying your taxes, you can watch for higher rates, and buy assets outside the US. Even though you are a US citizen, you can get away with not paying taxes if you are residing outside the US. It takes management but it can be done, and those are good reasons to do that if you have the option, but it’s my understanding that we will not be given that option. 601 caller: If they keep exchanging at this rate, will there be any contract money left in the pool for us? DC: I ask that every day, and I’m told there is still plenty left. 772 caller: I know this is One-question Wednesday, but I’d like to make a quick statement. After reading Creature from Jekyll Island and Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and watching Shooter there are certainly some powerful individuals in our country… Tony: Add in the movie Conspiracy Theory… DC: We often screw up a perfectly good plan, and it almost always ends poorly… take that from a guy who used to do that for a living! Caller: There are fewer than 60 days left in this year; do you think they will drag this out until after the first of the year? DC: I don’t see the benefit. In March, they said, “Watch this, hold my beer, let’s see if we can drag this out until the election…” They did it by constantly stirring up crap and the fire kept burning everyone else. What do they get by delaying until January? I don’t get it. There is nothing to be gained that I can find. Tony: Can it go to January? Absolutely, because they have already shown they can do whatever they want. Is that the plan so far as we know? No. Iraq could boil over within 48 hours. The G20 people could walk into the room and make it go now. The administration really miscalculated in not having it go last March and April, because the economy could have been booming, and they could have won the midterms. Doing it now means that the Republicans will get the credit when the economy turns around. We don’t understand the benefit of waiting until next week – same result either way. 352 caller: Looks like we are going to be here awhile if there are only two ways America can get off its butt. Iraq is getting fueled for a riot. Tony: There is a third way, but it would be a battle. Caller: We are going to need a group of people on the phone Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tony, you suck at asking for donations. I need some information, so I’m asking the deadbeats to get on the computer, go to tntdinar, click the red square for donations. Then give them a password, email address and credit card info. Instead of giving Tony a lot of mouth work, let’s all jump on there and give them $10. If all 25,000 of us do just that, he’ll be able to pay the bills. It’s time we think of Tony the way he’s been thinking of us all these years. Tony: I try to believe the good in people, both politicians and the listeners. I hope this time the release would happen, and I leave it to the last minute, until Pam says the bill is red and we need to pay it or else! I don’t want you to donate thousands of dollars, I’d rather you give it to Keisha’s kids. I’ll have enough money for myself after all this. I know people will give what they can, and others won’t. I have received a lot of letters from people who would like to donate but cannot at the moment. I appreciate everyone who does what they can do, and all of you, fewer than 500, carrying this for everyone else, when we have 30,000 people listening to this call right now, and ten times that after 24 hours. We have 500 people carrying that, and I do appreciate you going all out for that, sir. That was kind of funny, how he put that. I thought I must be really screwing up! 562 caller: How can there be activity on the ISX website when we don’t have a real rate? Tony: I don’t know. The information we got is that the ISX is going live today and the rate would be there. So I don’t know. Caller: Why do they keep having the activity on that website? It doesn’t make any sense. Tony: I can’t answer that question. I will let DC answer that when he gets back. 407 caller: I’m super-fantastic. Is the zim still in the basket at the rate we’ve discussed? Tony: Right now, they are only paying out on one currency that we know of. The numbers I’m getting are still the same, but that could change at any moment. That’s all I can tell you. I still like it, but anything could happen. Caller: I will do what that fellow said about the dollar; we have to get Pam out from under the bus and get her working on Keisha’s Kids. 562 caller: On the Iraqi ISX, they are showing some sort of activity, but not the real rate. The figures keep changing on a daily basis, with shares being traded. DC: That is a live, active stock market going on. Those numbers will change constantly. The new revalued rate is cued up ready to go, but they haven’t done it yet today. They are so ready to launch this, and it will be reflected on ISX, CBI and Yahoo finance. The RV should have already happened when we see those figures change. 254 caller: If you don’t have the call scheduled for Friday, and everyone is behaving well, why can’t they take the stupid ones out of the equation. Tony: Are you employed or self-employed? Most people have a job to go to, and they may be managers, branch managers, operation managers or vice-presidents. Those people are doing what they should be doing, but they cannot fire the president or vice-president. They can only do what they are instructed to do. There is nothing they can do if the problem is above their heads. They can’t sacrifice themselves unless we are behind them, supporting them. They are just as frustrated as we are. They can see the internet, they know what’s being said and done, and it’s Catch-22. DC: Many of these people are so frustrated. I came in with a certain number of sources, and those have quintupled, because everyone is saying “No way, this is BS!” My favorite file is the nasty file of what people have been calling US – that we are idiots, toothless crackheads and all the rest. If you say that around others, they will pass it on. A lot of people are fed up, and they are doing what they can do to help given their circumstances. It’s leaking like a sieve, and that is adding to the pressure, which is good. 713 caller: The hardest part of this whole thing is when we are looking forward to the elections and those are now past. Who are ‘they’? The hardest part is to keep hearing people are exchanging, and that is almost like a slap in the face. It’s a bit better now that some people on the street are going through. You say there is a group that never wanted us to cash out, and we did the Twitter campaign. What’s the bottom line here? What is the benefit or reasoning behind why they are holding this up – the world, Iraq and every-one – why?? What is the benefit here? Tony: I explained this the other day. These are our government officials, and they are powerful people. Naming them will not change anything; it will just irritate some very powerful people who are already targeting DC and me. You want me to name people who are already creating a problem for us? I have sacrificed a lot over the last four years, and I am not going to put my head on the chopping block just to be doing it. Caller: We already know it has to be people at the top level of our government. I’m not asking you to name names, I just wonder what the benefit is to them. Tony: I said earlier that they made a miscalculation. We don’t know why they are still holding this up when everyone else is ready. This group is saying “No, we’re not ready.” DC: Those who are paying attention can work out who the people are. It’s not wise for us to do that because we have already been threatened and put on the stupid list. Calm people and rational folks then said, “Calm down” and helped to solve the problems. If aggravating one of these guys would help, then we would, but we understand from the calmer folks that we need to keep it calm, bring forward the information and refrain from pissing anyone else. There are people who are trying to get this through, 14 hours per day, and if they tell us to keep it calm, we generally go along with their request. They are telling us that the actual issues keep changing – a blip here, another new item there just to piss people off. Some of the issues are genuine, and they deal with them. These same people are pulling these people aside and saying, “Why are you doing this? You only have two years, you won (to an extent) and there is nothing more to gain. Let it go; then everyone wins.” That’s what we are trying to align with – helping those who have been helping us. 405 caller: I have a quote from Albert Einstein: “The difference between stupid and genius is that there is a limit to genius.” DC, what movie best reflects your career? DC: I’ll have to think about that for a second… probably Get Smart with bumbling Steve Carrell, where he misses the target by ‘that much’. Tony: I think the one where Jamie Foxx plays in Law Abiding Citizen. Caller: Is any of this about our 16.5% vote in the IMF? DC: No, that was resolved a while ago. 775 caller: Many people may be in my situation. I only have VND; when we get the 800 numbers, will that be exchangeable. DC: Yes. About six weeks ago they took that off the screen, and two weeks ago they put it back, so they are paired. I only know of three currencies in the basket: dong, dinar and zim. However, it can change at any time. The folks exchanging since Friday before last have only been exchanging dinar. However, we are told that when the 800 numbers come out, it will be the entire GCR. 775 caller: I’m looking forward to “leave of absence” and then into retirement mode. It’s been 40 years. A couple of weeks ago, Tony, you said that the currency had been RVed in Iraq, with one rate of $3.58. Recently, you’ve said there are different amounts… Tony: The cards were supposed to be issued at $3.58 and everyone was supposed to get the cards. Not everyone got their cards, and there are still different rates according to your position, so that is what we have reported to you. Today is Wednesday; Friday night they announced that the rates would be adjusted on Saturday, but it didn’t happen. DC: They have this bizarre system where the cards are loaded at $3.58 and in some regions they are allowed to use those cards. In ISIL regions they can’t use the cards. Some merchants are trading off $3.58, but in other areas, it’s $1 rate. Some of the population is still at 1166, but the cards are at $3.58. it’s confusing to the Iraqis and finding out that the US has done to them is not helping. The budgets have reflected the appropriate rates. The 2014 Budget is complete, and they have nearly completed the 2015 Budget. 256 caller: [can’t understand this caller] It sounds like the Zim is included in the basket. 954 caller: I’m in Fort Lauderdale, and in a training recently here for a large financial institution, they said they would not accept Clean and Clear Certificates – that they have to prove where the money comes from. DC: There is still some money laundering there, and they are nervous about CCCs there. However, I understand that if you exchange through a tier 1 or tier 2 bank, they will provide enough information to show your money is legitimate. Tony: You can also exchange with dealers, and you won’t have to worry about that at all. This one-question Wednesday worked out well! DC: Iraq is very ready and eager, with immense pressure to get this done. We are waiting on the BIS-IMF to get this done, and we are thankful that people are pushing this along because it is the right thing to do. This could happen at any moment; we haven’t been told of any good reason it should not. Pressure is intense in Iraq and the US to get this done. For the love of God, have your plan together that includes paying taxes and having your money earn money in a conservative way to provide for your family. Pam: It’s very hard to be out of control, but what we can control is your reaction. So please concentrate on being happy, being healthy, and making your plans as we wait. Ray: Be excited! Be very excited! Be very, very excited! Tony: This was an informational call, not to antagonize anyone. It was to give a clearer picture of what is going on, and to explain what we are doing, and what we are not doing. The preparation is in place with a calendar of events planned. We are close enough that this could happen at any moment. Everyone is frustrated, and there is a group that is happy because they are controlling it, but we know our lives could change in a matter of hours. Use the time to plan because your future will be here before you know it. Thanks to all who participated today, all TNT reps and everyone who sent in letters. Thanks for being a part of history! Enjoy the rest of your day. Hopefully we’ll come back sooner than Friday morning and let you know what’s happening up to the moment!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:26:38 +0000

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