Tony Nwoye Has Overcome in Anambra State. No weapon on Earth can - TopicsExpress


Tony Nwoye Has Overcome in Anambra State. No weapon on Earth can stop an idea which its time has come and a government of the people, by the people and for the people shall never perish in Anambra State Aka ndi mmuo ozi n’ eburu ayi Agha . Are you one of those fighting God in Anambra State? Have you sworn that Anambra state must never be free, watch out for God’s Angels in Anambra State? In case we have not noticed, superior arguments and ideology have prevailed over mediocrity and political jingoism in Anambra state and in 2013, we have changed the rules of this game. Was it not Witten in the holy book that “THEY SHALL GATHER AGAINST YOU BUT IF THEIR GATHERING IS NOT OF THE LORD, THEY SHALL BE SCATTERD” . God has given us victory in Anambra state today and is sending us a message that this battle belongs to him. Comrade Tony Nwoye has suffered the greatest political persecution more than any other in the history of Anambra state politics even in this election, the elections before this and those to come. He was stampeded, threatened ad coerced with all manners of intimidations unseen and unprecedented in any political campaign elsewhere in this world by Nicholas Ukachukwu,before and during the State congress and yet he came out unscathed Senator Andy Uba, Chris Uba and their cronies took Comrade Tony Nwoye to Court and they were defeated. Just Yesterday, Nicholas Ukachukwu in a desperate bid to stop Comrade Tony Nwoye from contesting in this year’s election failed again at Port-Harcourt and Tony Nwoye became the candidate of the PDP in Anambra State We have defeated the detractors of Anambra State and we are sending a strong message to the nation, to all progressives and to our allies in Anambra State and beyond that the days of Political intimidation, Political Jingoism and deceits are long gone in Anambra State We have changed the rules of this game in Anambra state. Gone are the days when money holds sway in Anambra State against political ideology. Gone are the days when a group of people hold the state to ransom with impunity. Gone are the days when disgruntled elements neglects their duty to the electorate while hoping to secure a court injunction that will smuggle them into positions in the Senate or the State Government House Awka, those days are long gone. A new dawn has come to Anambra State and we have changed the rules of this game Our rule is very simple. Nobody is above the law in Anambra state and every politician must go to the field to win an election in Anambra State. NO MORE DRAMA Senator Andy Uba, we have defeated you. Christian Uba, we have defeated and retired you from Politics in Anambra State. Prince Nicholas Ukachukwu, you cannot jump into the Government house through the window and you can no longer play monkey tricks on bush pigeons, they will simply fly away. You remain defeated today and tomorrow and by Nov 16th , 2013 we shall also send you and all money bags who think they can buy the destiny of the children of Anambra state with a pot of porridge packing and into political exile cum oblivion and ANAMBRA STATE SHALL BE FREE If there are still people in Anambra state that think they can continue to derail our progress in Anambra State or think they can ride on the back of some tigers in Port-Harcourt or elsewhere, WE SHALL DEFEAT YOU To all democrats and men of integrity, to all courageous women and people of Anambra State who have supported us through these rainy days of distractions, we shall support you and give you the attention you deserve which has been lost over these years of political wilderness in Anambra State. The Sun will stand still once again for justice and fairness in Anambra State. Comrade Tony Nwoye has fought this battle and won. We have changed the rules of this game in Anambra State and pledge to make more positive changes in the coming days. We call on all comrades, youths, students, men and women of good will to start coming home. This time, we must ensure that every vote counts and your voices heard What is written is written.. Ife chi dere odego ya.This is the year of justice. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm. Signed Pharm Ikeagwuonwu Alexander Klinsmann Mazi Orjika C.C Hon Ikechukwu Emka Onyia TONY NWOYE CANPAIGN ORGANISATION MEDIA UNIT.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 08:21:28 +0000

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