Tony Robbins Shares 3 Steps To Creating A Life-Changing - TopicsExpress


Tony Robbins Shares 3 Steps To Creating A Life-Changing Breakthrough by Jenna Goudreau on Jan 5, 2015, 10:41 AM Everyone wants to change something about their life. Whether you want to find love or improve your relationship, master your finances, or finally get in shape, celebrity life coach Tony Robbins says its absolutely possible if you have the right approach. There are three steps to creating a breakthrough: three forces that, together, can massively change any and every aspect of your life, Robbins writes in his new book Money: Master the Game. They are: 1. Find the right strategy. In order to make a lasting change, you have to start with a proven strategy, Robbins says. Planning to eat 500 calories a day to lose weight or trying to get rich off one hot stock tip will not be sustainable over the long-term, he says. How do you find a strategy that works? Ive always believed the best way to get a result, the fastest way, is to find someone who has already accomplished what youre after, and model his or her behavior. 2. Understand the power of your story. Even if you have the right strategy, you wont get anywhere if you dont follow through. Its the stories we tell ourselves that make or break our best-laid plans, says Robbins. If youre not taking action, he advises you consider the story youre telling yourself. Someone trying to save more might limit themselves by thinking deep down: I dont make enough, I cant save more, or Thats only for rich people. Is your story holding you back or empowering you? I always say 80% of success in life is psychology and 20% is mechanics, he writes. 3. Change your state of mind. Your mental and emotional state colors your perception and experience of everything in life, Robbins says. If you feel afraid or insecure, its hard to make a big change, but if you feel like a million bucks, youre ready to conquer the world. To put yourself in a strong, determined, and empowered state, he suggests you change your physiology. Research by Harvards Amy Cuddy shows that adopting power poses alters your biochemistry, making you feel more confident and less stressed out.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:57:31 +0000

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